Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu
(généré automatiquement le 16-11-2024 à 17:33:44)
Accueil - Mastodon @Amigatronics - Obligement - Amiga Impact - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

#Mastodon @Amigatronics -

Post : sz81 2.1.7 ported by 70lk13n lien

Post : sz81_2.1.7.lha lien

Post : vAmigaWeb: runAhead, vSync, slow motion and vAmigaCore v3.0 lien @AmigaFuture

Post : Neue Uploads aus dem OS4 Depot lien @AmigaFuture

Post : New uploads in OS4 Depot lien @AmigaFuture

Post : Remix AMIGA de C64 demo Darks side of Mars con soporte audio Vampire V4 lien

Post : Internetradio: TuneFinder 1.1 lien

Post : Internet radio: TuneFinder 1.1 lien

Post : Universelles PCI-Treibersystem: OpenPCI 9.3 lien

Post : Tutorial: Spielen über die serielle Schnittstelle lien

Post : lien

Post : PipeWalker 1.1 ported by Papiosaur lien

Post : SDL 2.30.9 ported by BeWorld lien

Post : Old Towers - RetroSouls seriously cool ZX Spectrum game arrives on the Famicom/NES with a version 1.1 lien @Indie_RetroNEWS

Post : Iris 1.40 by Jacadcaps lien

Post : ReportPlus_8.61.lha lien

Post : Iris_1.40.lha lien

Post : Urb-X Warriors llegará al AMIGA lien

Post : Vorschau-Video: Star (Dust) Wars - Directors Cut lien

Post : Vorschau-Video: Extreme Violence 2 V0.3 lien

#Obligement -

· David Joiner a mis en ligne le code source de son jeu Faery Tale Adventure. C'est l'occasion de revoir l'origine et les coulisses du développement de ce jeu mythique dans ce dossier.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Génération 4 n°26 et 27 (octobre et novembre 1990).

· Voici une entrevue avec Denis Lechevalier, un expert dans les jeux Amiga, notamment pour la préservation logicielle et le dénichage de raretés.

· Sébastien Jeudy vous propose la 4e aventure de Morphy sur le thème cette fois du magazine BOING et issu de son récent numéro 8.
Les aventure de Morphy (4)

· Ajout de la rubrique actualité de septembre/octobre 2024 qui fait le point sur l'essentiel de l'actualité Amiga de ces deux derniers mois.

· Cyril Houzé et son équipe préparent une réadapatation grandiose de Dune sur Amiga AGA. Voici une entrevue pour en savoir plus sur ce graphiste et ce projet prometteur.

#Amiga Impact -

Une nouvelle compilation de démos tout-en-un incluant l’émulateur (Windows ou Linux) !
#1W7D S43 & S44 : deux semaines de démos avec Tarzin
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 02-11-2024, avec son débrief !
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (septembre/octobre 2024)
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 26-10-2024, avec son débrief !
Magazine : BOING n°9 disponible !
AmigaOS 3.2 le manuel, une version française en approche
#1W7D S42 : une semaine de démos avec Tarzin
Reshoot Proxima 3 : une version anniversaire Tinbox
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 19-10-2024, avec son débrief !

#WArMUp MorphOS -

sz81 2.1.7 ported by 70lk13n
PipeWalker 1.1 ported by Papiosaur
SDL 2.30.9 ported by BeWorld
Iris 1.40 by Jacadcaps
PANG 1.0 ported by Papiosaur
SilkRAW 3.0 by Domenico Lattanzi
WebRadio 3.1 by Thomas Igracki
SET 1.0 ported by Papiosaur
AmiArcadia 32.50 ported by Stefan Haubenthal
OpenRCT2 0.4.16 ported by BeWorld

#Amiga-NG -

AmigaOS 4.1 FE Update 3 annoncé
!! Prix Spécial AmiWest 2024 pour A1222+ !!
Sortie de WipeOut-Rewrite Enhanced Fantômas Edition pour AmigaOS 4.1
Parution de BOING 9
Infinite Icons Theme Pack
Dir Me Up 4 disponible pour AmigaOS 4.1
UBoot 2015.c pour tous les Sam460 / AmigaOne 500
MicroAlchimie VIII
Hollywood Designer passe la 7ième !
Prix des configurations A1222+

#Amiga Classic -

Untangle 1.0 by Grzegorz Kraszewski
CVBasic 0.5.1 by polluks
PintorWeb 5.00 by Templario
AmiArcadia 32.80 by James Jacob
ADiffView 2.6 by Uwe Rosner
Image2PDF 2.7 by Bernd Assenmacher
REDPILL 0.9.39 the Amiga game creator
AstralGame 4.10 by Templario
Font Tester 2.00 by Templario
Pintor Web 4.00 by Templario

#Amiga France -

AmigaOS 3.2 Le Manuel, VF en préparation
Noche Espectros (2024 Amiten) (02/11/2024)
Pumpkin (2024 Electric Black Sheep) (11/11/2024)
Magazine BOING n°9 disponible
Squarez (2024 La1n)
Duel (2024 Electric Black Sheep)
Dungeon of Evil / Tower of Evil 1.5 (2024 Electric Black Sheep)
Tiny Pixel Adventure (2024 HooGames) [Scorpion] beta v2 (03/11/2024)
Tale of Evil / Tower of Evil 2 (2024 Electric Black Sheep) (17/10/2024)
Halloween X AGA (2024 8080) v1.08 (26/10/2024) (€)
2 Tiny Cowboys (2024 Lord santa) [Scorpion] démo v35 (08/11/2024)
Tower of Evil 1 (2024 Electric Black Sheep)
Fast Food Dizzy 2 AGA (2024 Acidbottle) [Scorpion]
Elevator Action 500 (2024 JOTD)
QuasaurusX (Amiten) démo (24/09/2024) -

Internet radio: TuneFinder 1.1
Preview video: Star (Dust) Wars - Directors Cut
Preview video: Extreme Violence 2 v0.3
Porting Amiga applications to Linux: AxRuntime 41.12
AROS x86_64: version 20241102-1 of the ABI v11 developer branch
D520 video converter: another production run from Alinea Computer
MorphOS: E-mail client Iris 1.40 (update)
German Amiga Podcast: Issue 19
News from former Amiga partner: QNX SDP 8 free for non-commercial use (update)
Game: Memory training with A Little Remember Game
PDF-Magazine: RetroMagazine World #23 (Englisch)
A600GS: Update 46.1.878 with MIDI-support and workaround for black screen error
Amiga Boing Blog: PD game reviews and preconfigured WinUAE game collections
Printmagazin: issue 145 of Amiga Future can be read online
Demo development: Source code and developer diary for "Inside the Machine"
Source codes for "Faery Tale Adventure" released under the MIT license
Programming language: CanDo v3 example scripts
CLI command: sysvars v0.15 (update)
Virtual desktops for the Workbench: GoVD v1.2
Event: Photos of AmiWest 2024
Aminet uploads until 09.11.2024
OS4Depot uploads until 09.11.2024
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 09.11.2024
WHDLoad: New installers until 09.11.2024
Internet radio: TuneFinder 1.0
A500 Plattformer: 2tinycowboys version 35 - "Challenge Update"

#Amiga Future -

vAmigaWeb: runAhead, vSync, slow motion and vAmigaCore v3.0
New uploads in OS4 Depot
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New publications at
New uploads in The Aros Archive
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
AmigaRemix: New tracks online
New uploads in Aminet
D520 video converter: renewed production by Alinea Computer
Amiga Rulez issue 2402 released
German AMIGA Podcast Episode 18 online
Old Amiga Future Issue 145 in german & english now online
Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future
The Booze of Monkey Island - A New Monkey Island
AmiBlitz 3.9.10final released
WHDLoad: New packets online
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
New publications at
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New uploads in Aminet
Amiga Future magazine & AFA Viewer index update
Alinea Computer: New V2 of KickRom-Progger and KickRom-Flash released
Amiga Future issue 171 released
ham_convert 1.10.3 released

#English Amiga Board -

AROS One x86 Released
AmigaOS 3.2 released!
What IFF? - Latest Issue
Trinity 1240/1260 Accelerator released!
APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News
Demo: Inside the Machine by Desire
OpenBOR - The 2D Side Scrolling Engine Ported to Classic Amiga !
AmiModRadio - All of Aminet modules at your fingertips
AMOS for Windows installer using AROS-68K and WinUAE
Amiga Addict Magazine
The Lost Pixel - A new Amiga game
C&C Red Alert for OS 3.x !!!!!!!!
GRIND : a Doom-like, first person shooter for a500!
Amiga Halloween Vault
Pumpkin - New Helloween Amiga game
New articles on Obligement magazine
Project X: Light Years
New Cherry MX keyboards for the A500, A600 and A1200
WinUAE 5.3.1

#Polski Portal Amigowy -

Konwerter obrazu D520 - nowa partia w przedsprzedaży
TuneFinder 1.1
AROS 20241102-1 64-bit
AxRuntime v41.12
Iris 1.39
The Faery Tale Adventure - kod źródłowy
sysvars 0.14
GoVD 1.2
AmiBlitz 3.9.10
WipeOut-Rewrite Enhanced Fantomas Edition - recenzja
TuneFinder 1.0
K&A Plus #26
Brian The Lion - recenzja
Nowe produkty w Alinea Computer
Huh? czy CPU-A? -

Old Amiga Future Issue 145 in german & english now online
Alinea Computer: New V2 of KickRom-Progger and KickRom-Flash released
Amiga Future issue 171 released
New articles on Obligement
Odyssey 2.0 and Update 2 for 32-bit AROS Released
Pre-order sale: AMIGA ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS as a printed book
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 171 - preview is now available to view online
BOING #9 mag released
Release of WipeOut-Rewrite Enhanced Fantômas Edition for AmigaOS 4.1
AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual: English edition now available, French edition anno -

Old Amiga Future Issue 145 in german & english now online
Alinea Computer: New V2 of KickRom-Progger and KickRom-Flash released
Amiga Future issue 171 released
New articles on Obligement
Pre-order sale: AMIGA ROM Kernel Reference Manual: AmigaDOS as a printed book
!! AmiWest 2024 A1222+ Special Offer !!
BOING #9 mag released
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 171 - preview is now available to view online
Release of WipeOut-Rewrite Enhanced Fantômas Edition for AmigaOS 4.1
AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual: English edition now available, French edition announced

#Aminet -

TuneFinder.lha : Search and display online radio stations
CPU-A.lha : System Information Tool
sysvars.lha : Put system information in env. variables
ReportPlusMOS.lha : Multipurpose utility
less-mos.lha : Viewer program similar to "more"
BrokenSystem.lha : 16bit 4ch Amiga Metal Rock by HKvalhe
ReportPlus-OS4.lha : Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus.lha : Multipurpose utility
A1200-PiStorm32-Pi4AIBB.lha : AIBB 6.x Module: A1200 - PiStorm32 : HAM graphic converter
FileSystemStressTest.lha : Stress tests disks and file systems
SilkRAW_AROS.lha : GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW
SilkRAW_MorphOS.lha : GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW
SilkRAW_OS4.lha : GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW
rtGetModeID.lha : get screenmode information in a shell : Versatile Amiga Testprogram
A1200-PiStorm32-Pi4.lha : SysSpeed Module: A1200 - PiStorm32
GoVD.lha : Virtual Desktops for Workbench
GoVD_GI.lha : GlowIcon for GoVD
getopt_long.lha : GNU conform ReadArgs wrapper
labyrinth64.lha : Remake of Commodore 64 game Labyrinth
AmiVms.lha : Simulates OpenVMS commands : Grad. Fonts for RSI Demo Maker Disk 14 : NAFCYI Fall 1991 (BMP Fonts)
isomount.lha : Mounting ipf,dms,adf,hdf,iso atd.
xlink.lha : Virtual linking of AmigaDOS modules
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
pOS_A4000.jpg : A4000 Emulator - 68040 mit MMU
CharacterMap.lha : Browse character set and copy characters
amigassh.lha : SSH2 for the Amiga
TheLostPixel.lha : The Lost Pixel
FlashMandelVE.lha : FlashMandel "Vamped Edition" (FMVE)
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
AmiArcadia.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
ctools.lha : Manipulate C64/C128 CP/M disk images : 20 Optimized configurations for WinUAE
TaterTerrorCancel.lha : Tater Terror Canceled Tracks by HKvalhe

#Amiga Storage -

Baccarat_2.00.lha : Baccarat game card
untangle_1.0.lha : A logic puzzle, where the player faces a set of dots connected by lines
REDPILLGameCreator_0.9.41.lha : An Amiga Game Creator
CVBasic-0.5.1.lha : BASIC compiler for Colecovision
PintorWeb_5.00.lha : A little and easy web tool to work with pictures for to use in web projects by Templario.
AmiArcadia_32.80.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
ptplayer_6.4.lha : ProTracker player w/ support for ext. sfx
ADiffView_2.6.lha : Graphical ASCII file compare/diff viewer
L.M.Calendar-and-Clock_1.00.lha : A little tool with the charapters the game's world Los Malditos del Valle del Cerro
Image2PDF_2.7.lha : Convert JP(E)Gs and PNGs to PDF
iConecta_5.25.lha : A little and easy tool to test your Internet connection by Juan Carlos 'Templario' Herran Martin.
AmiSSL_5.16.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
HippoPlayer-Update_2.61.lha : Updated HippoPlayer, a module player for classic Amigas

#MorphOS Storage -

sz81_2.1.7.lha : a ZX81 and ZX80 emulator using SDL
ReportPlus_8.61.lha : A Multipurpose utility by James Jacobs, MorphOS port by Stefan Haubenthal.
Iris_1.40.lha : Iris, the MorphOS email client
PipeWalker_1.1.lha : Port of PipeWalker by Papiosaur
SDL_2.30.9_Libraries.lha : All Libraries SDL : SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_net and SDL2_gfx with SDK and extras files for MorphOS 3.18.
less-668.lha : A paginator similar to more or pg (beta).
PANG_1.0.lha : Port of PANG
OpenFodder_1.9.2.lha : Open Fodder: An open source port of Cannon Fodder
SilkRAW_3.0.lha : GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW
BoulderDash_1.1.lha : Port of a BoulderDash clone
WebRadio_3.1.lha : A sbar plugin to listen to WebRadios
AmiBlitz_3.9.10.lha : Amiblitz is the furtherdevelop of BlitzBasic 2 from Amiga.Acid Soft was so friendly to release the BB2 source as opensource
CannonBall-Shooter_0.1.0.lha : Port of CannonBall-Shooter
SET_1.0.lha : Port of SET game by Papiosaur
AmiArcadia_33.50.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
ctools-0.4a.lha : Manipulate C64/C128 CP/M disk images
SimplePool_1.0.lha : Port of SimplePool
OpenRCT2_0.4.16.lha : OpenRCT2 is an open-source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (RCT2), expanding the game with new features, fixing bugs and raising game limits.
FFmpeg_6.1.2.lha : FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata.
OpenMoHAA_0.80.0-alpha2.lha : OpenMoHAA 0.80.0 for Morphos (alpha version 2) ported by CowCat
TBFTSS_1.5.1.lha : Port of TBFTSS (The Battle for the Solar System: the Pandora War)
Maze-Runner_1.0.lha : Port of Maze-Runner
libFLAC-1.4.3.lha : MorphOS port of LibFLAC 1.3.2 by Bruno PELOILLE (BeWorld).

#OS4Depot -

reportplus.lha : Report+ - Multipurpose utility
silkraw.lha : SilkRAW - GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW
ugtablet.lha : UGTablet.usbfd - Driver for UGTABLET based tablets eg XP-Pen
amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator
twinvncgui_ger.lha : twinvncgui_ger - german catalog for twinvnc_gui
compression.lha : Compression - A PDF generator
a_little_remember_game.lha : ALittleRememberGame - A Simon Says (Senso) like game
legadon.lha : Legadon - A simple ePub reader (Text only + Cover Art) : WipeOut FE Datas - Datas for WipeOut RE Fantômas Edition
wipeout-re_fe.lha : WipeOut FE Install - WipeOut RE Fantômas Edition
rvncd.lha : RVNCd - Amiga VNC Server
mce.lha : MCE - Multi-game Character Editor
nblood.lha : NBlood - Reverse-engineered ports of Blood
amissl-sdk.lha : AmiSSL SDK - SDK for AmiSSL
amissl.lha : AmiSSL - OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
libreplaygain.lha : libreplaygain - replaygain library - part of the musepack suite
libmpcdec.lha : Libmpcdec - Musepack decoder library
libcuefile.lha : libcuefile - libcuefile - part of the musepack suite
edilana.lha : Edilana - Interactive anagram generator
vasmm68k_mot.lha : Vasm m68k mot - Portable and retargetable assembler

#The AROS Archives - : Odyssey 2.1 64-bit - Odyssey Web Browser
silkraw_aros.lha : SilkRAW - GUI for Dave Coffin's program dcRAW : Libmad-0.15.1.x86_64 - Libmad : ResidualVM-x86_64 - ResidualVM x86_64 abiv11 : Scummvm-1.9.x86_64 - ScummVM x86_64 abiv11 : kMusicPlayer - kMusicPlayer is a visual music player ,used raylib : koala_seasons - game compiled using raylib.. : RayGui - raygui is a simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode- : rFXGen - A simple and easy-to-use fx sounds generator : GLFW 3.4 - GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library : Raylib 5 - A simple and easy-to-use library to write games.. : Perl-5.7.x86_64-v11 - Perl 5.7.2 x86_64 ABIv11 : Odyssey 2.0 32-bit - Odyssey Web Browser
amifish.i386-aros.lha : Amifish - Chess program compatible with UCI chess engines : - Auto set screenmode for different displays on boot : Adoom3 - Doom3 for AROS x86_64 ABIv11 : Python 2.5.2 - x86_64-abiv11 : GemRB - x86_64-abiv11
beebase-1.1.lha : BeeBase - Programmable relational database w/ GUI : GemRB - i386

#WHDLoad -

Inside The Machine : done by Psygore
Pop-Up : manual included, publisher corrected
Charly : done by DJ Mike
Wiz'n'Liz : graphics glitches in two-player mode fixed
Ghost Battle : hiscores are not used anymore to check game version, CD32 buttons and trainers added
Commando : adapted for whdload v19
Cadaver : adapted for whdload v19
All Terrain Racing : adapted for whdload v19
Nicky II : graphics bugs, music speed and keyboard fixed, second version supported, CD32 controls added
Ruff'n'Tumble : adapted for WHDLoad 19
Turrican II: The Final Fight : adapted for WHDLoad 19
Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons : adapted for WHDLoad 19
RoboCop : supports Data East disk version, detect corrupted packed data while depacking
Animatunes : restore current screen display when quit, slave rewritten
Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in time / The Humans 3: Evolution - Lost in time : better CD32 joypad buttons handler, CD32 version supported
Wiz'n'Liz : access fault fixed, 2nd button supported, trainers added, fast memory used

#Pouë -

Dark side of Mars : demo
Amiga Rulez 24-02 : diskmag
The Elephant's Ballon and Other Children's Bedtime Stories : musicdisk
Fat Tracks Vol. 9 : musicdisk
Magnar 50 : intro
Ribbons : intro
Not Virgill : intro
Party Pack No. 26 : demopack
Breathe : 4k
Party Pack No. 25 : demopack
Cool Corkscrew : intro
Therican : 32k
Tactical Transmissions : musicdisk
Inside the Machine : demo
Altered Vision : 64k
4FX : 256k
new art : demo
Saukko Pack - Crap Box 31 : demopack
Crap Box -25 : demopack
De La Pouët Is Dead : 40k
Italodisco vol.2 : demopack
cprshwdwn-tsr : demo
Party Pack No. 24 : demopack
P-Six-4-Too (preview version) : demo

#AmigaRemix -

Ghouls n Ghosts (redubbed) : 5m19s
The Amiga Never Dies (Entity Remix) : 4m09s
Flashback, Main Menu Music (Vandahlia Special Remix) : 4m02s
Heatbeats Bubblegum (nightwolf 2024 remix) : 3m02s
Firehawk Take Off (Ambient Chopper Mix) : 2m32s
Darkseed Halloween : 2m57s
Kid Chaos - Level 5 point 1 : 5m07s
Spaceballs - State Of The Art (No Corruption Mix) : 4m03s
Lotus 2 (O.Stelzer Remix) : 2m35s
Shadow of the Flute : 5m13s
action-1(s1) nightwolf 2024 remix : 2m59s
Molecule's Revenge : 4m05s
Treasure Island Dizzy (I Can Fly Remix) : 4m02s
LFF (Skid Row Cracktro) : 2m43s
Paranoimia 2024 Tyros Edition : 3m47s

Accueil - Mastodon @Amigatronics - Obligement - Amiga Impact - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

(c)2021-2024, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.