Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu
(généré automatiquement le 20-07-2024 à 23:37:23)
Accueil - Mastodon @Amigatronics - Obligement - Amiga Impact - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

#Mastodon @Amigatronics -

Post : Grumman F-14 Tomcat, el HAMOR lien @commodoreplus

Post : Scorpion Engine 2024.1 released lien @AmigaFuture

Post : Scorpion Engine 2024.1 veröffenticht lien @AmigaFuture

Post : Basilisk of Roko 2 - An action platformer for your ZX Spectrum by retrosotano lien @Indie_RetroNEWS

Post : Scorpion Engine también se actualiza lien

Post : Centerbase: Science-Fiction Simulation (reLINE) lien

Post : New uploads in MorphOS Storage lien @AmigaFuture

Post : Neue Uploads im MorphOS Storage lien @AmigaFuture

Post : Bild converter: Lazzy Image Viewer v0.71 for Windows lien

Post : Bildkonverter: Lazzy Image Viewer V0.71 für Windows lien

Post : (mods/crash) lien

Post : Selure Sira by Joker lien

Post : ROTY Special Achievement Award Unboxing! lien

Post : Plattformer: Testversion von "Dr. Dangerous" lien

Post : Veranstaltung: Commodore und Amiga Meeting (Belgien) lien

Post : Event: Commodore and Amiga Meeting (Belgium) lien

Post : Iris 1.28 | lien

Post : "Dare to Dream" - nowa książka Davida Pleasance'a | lien

Post : Roguecraft już we wrześniu | lien

Post : Ninja Carnage | lien

#Obligement -

· Mise en ligne d'un article sur les projets de Bo Zimmerman concernant les babillards électroniques ainsi que les solutions Internet pour les Commodore 8 bits.

· Publication d'une entrevue avec Kari-Pekka Koljonen, l'auteur du légendaire lecteur audio HippoPlayer, qui a récemment repris le développement de son application [The english version is here].

· Mise à jour du tutoriel sur le Wi-Fi sur Amiga 1200 avec Prism2 V2 et MiamiDX.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Génération 4 n°19 (février 1990).

· Mise en ligne d'un tutoriel sur les problèmes courants de conception d'interfaces graphiques. L'article se base sur AmigaOS 4 mais peut également concerner pour les autres systèmes d'exploitation.

· Guillaume Guittenit vous propose une mise à jour de son article sur la fabrication d'une manette Amiga arcade ainsi que sa version améliorée.

#Amiga Impact -

BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 20-07-2024 (avec un résumé rapide)
Magazine allemand VD Aktuell 04
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 13-07-2024 (avec un résumé rapide)
Amiga Future n°169 est disponible
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 06-07-2024
La MicroAlchimie VIII est annulée
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (mai/juin 2024)
Magazine : Parution de BOING 8
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (mars/avril 2024)
L’AC 2024 pointe son museau

#WArMUp MorphOS -

Iris 1.28 by Jacadcaps
CVBasic 0.5.1 by polluks
sunny 0.5 by alfie
Wayfarer 8.9 by Jacadcaps
PintorWeb 5.00 by Templario
PolyOrga 1.26a by Polymere
News from Amiga and MorphOS world by Daff
Easy2Install 1.0b54 by Papiosaur and BeWorld 
ADiffView 2.6 by Uwe Rosner
SmartClipboard 1.4 by Thomas Igracki

#Amiga-NG -

UBoot 2015.c pour tous les Sam460 / AmigaOne 500
MicroAlchimie VIII
Hollywood Designer passe la 7ième !
Prix des configurations A1222+
Pilotes Radeon et démarrage sur un disque USB/SD sur Sam4x0
Sorties post Jour de l'An
Sorties post-Noël
Nouveautés et mises à jour
FFMpeg et FFMpegGUI mis à jour
IBrowse 3.0 est sorti !

#Amiga Classic -

CVBasic 0.5.1 by polluks
PintorWeb 5.00 by Templario
AmiArcadia 32.80 by James Jacob
ADiffView 2.6 by Uwe Rosner
Image2PDF 2.7 by Bernd Assenmacher
REDPILL 0.9.39 the Amiga game creator
AstralGame 4.10 by Templario
Font Tester 2.00 by Templario
Pintor Web 4.00 by Templario
HippoPlayer 2.59 by Kari-Pekka Koljonen

#Amiga France -

Ami Robbo 2 (Tukinem) démo v0.3 (17/07/2024)
Wordle FR (2024 Macetze)
(18+) Date Girls Club OCS/AGA (1996-2024 MarkSoft) Trad UK
Dr Dangerous (HooGames) [Scorpion] démo (17/07/2024)
Ninja Carnage FR (2024 Resistance)
Momo Space 2 (2024 Crane) [Redpill] demo (07/07/2024)
Galaga 500 (2024 JOTD) beta
Shift (2024 Haplo)
Dune 2 remaster AGA/OCS (Koon) en développement
AmiGameJam 2024 (Juin à Décembre 2024)
Magazine BOING n°8 disponible
Geo’s Quest 3 (2024 GWI) [Grac]
King and Balloon 500 (2024 JoeJoe) beta v0.92 (15/05/2024)
Phoenix 500 (2024 JOTD) beta
Pizza Connection (1994 Software 2000) trad UK v0.9 -

Image converter: Lazzy Image Viewer v0.71 for Windows
Event: Commodore and Amiga Meeting (Belgium)
Game Construction Kit: Scorpion Engine 2024.1
GUI for Greaseweazle Tools: FluxMyFluffyFloppy v5.0.6 for Windows
Adventure: Geo's Quest "In Search of Queen Lorraine" v2.1
Linux: Kernel 6.10.0 for AmigaOne X1000/X5000
Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 1.18
MorphOS: E-mail client Iris 1.28
Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to support the Octodapter
Obligement: interview with developer Kari-Pekka Koljonen
Games database LemonAmiga back online after hacker attack
Arcade Attack: interview with Barry Leitch about Lotus 2
Demoscene: TRISTAR + TSA and DevLab-TSA makerspace archive has been launched
Programming: IDE Codecraft 1.15
Games database LemonAmiga has been hacked
Aminet uploads until 13.07.2024
OS4Depot uploads until 13.07.2024
AROS Archives uploads until 13.07.2024
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 13.07.2024
Print magazine: "VD aktuell" 04

#Amiga Future -

Scorpion Engine 2024.1 released
Greaseweazle Tools 1.18 released
Dr.Dangerous - Only a playable test version, but it looks pretty decent so far! (Amiga)
Iris 1.28 released
Greg Donners Webpage Updates
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
WHDLoad: New packets online
New publications at
New uploads in Aminet
New uploads in The Aros Archive
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to support the Octodapter
Amiga Future 169 was released a few days ago
Issue 99 of Commodore Free is available to download
Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future
VD aktuell 04 - Summer 2024 released
METRO SIEGE - A technical preview lets you play some of the levels that are in development for the Amiga
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
New publications at
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New uploads in The Aros Archive
New uploads in Aminet
Pre-order the new Amiga Future issue now

#English Amiga Board -

Metro Siege: new arcade quality a500 brawler!
Lemon Amiga forum hacked!
AmiModRadio - All of Aminet modules at your fingertips
What IFF? - Latest Issue
AROS One x86 Released
Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood - Full Version on Amiga with Apollo V4
A1200 in a 5.25 disk bay
Interview with Kari-Pekka Koljonen, author of HippoPlayer
AGABlaster - New CDXL Player Released
GRIND : a Doom-like, first person shooter for a500!
GQ3 "Gateway to Nowhere" PAL Released
Amiga Addict Magazine
Denise 2.0 released!
APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News
Tankkk renamed to TankX and updated (after 27 years)
New Amiga game - Shift!
New Cherry MX keyboards for the A500, A600 and A1200
PreTracker 1.5 released
Jump! (Amiga Yoomp) - preorders started

#Polski Portal Amigowy -

Iris 1.28
"Dare to Dream" - nowa książka Davida Pleasance'a
Roguecraft już we wrześniu
Ninja Carnage
Historia powstania gry "Ports of Call"
WipEout dla Amigi z WarpOS PPC i Warp3D
CodeCraft 1.15
Amiga Bez Ściemy - wakacyjny live
Amiga Future 169
Ignition 1.30
AirScan 1.4
"Amiga Bez Ściemy" - przegląd odcinków czerwcowych
The Commodore Game Console Encyclopedia
Heretic II (2024) Update 2 -

Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to support the Octodapter
ZZAP LIVE! 2024 is down because of attack
VD aktuell 04 - Summer 2024 released
Roguecraft - the new game for the Amiga
Amiga Future issue 169 released
Passione Amiga day 2024
New articles on Obligement
Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) will be released on 28.06.2024
🚀 Blast off! Kea Campus is now live -

Alinea Computer is looking for Amiga game developers to support the Octodapter
VD aktuell 04 - Summer 2024 released
Amiga Future issue 169 released
Cecconoid released
New articles on Obligement
Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68K) will be released on 28.06.2024
Kea Campus is Live
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 169 - preview is now available to view online
Old Amiga Future Issue 143 in german & english now online
AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual

#Aminet - : Minimalist, low-toned. 8 bit xm
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
AmiArcadia.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator : Dark Orchestral, part 1 of 3. 8 bit xm : GI Master Mind
g17demo_68k.lha : Demo version of the 3D strategy RPG : Looping Bossfight Music. 8 bit xm : Metal with synth leads. 8 bit xm : 8-channel, slow and heavy. 8 bit xm
ReportPlusMOS.lha : Multipurpose utility
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator : Short/Slow/Drudging/Loops. 8 bit xm : Looping Action Game Music. 8 bit xm : Speed Metal. 8 bit xm
CVBasic.lha : BASIC compiler for Colecovision
gasm80.lha : Generic Z80 assembler
REDPILLGameCreator.lha : Game Creator with AGA support
eurochamp.lha : Statistics of Euro Champs 1960-2024
MCE-MOS.lha : Multi-game Character Editor
TMSColor.lha : Converter from BMP to TMS9928 format : Looping Action Game Music. 8 bit xm : Tribal drums/synth strings. 8 bit xm : Simple, slow, and creepy. 8 bit xm : Looping Action Game Music. 8 bit xm : Industrial Chaos. 8 bit xm
Consumer.lha : Memory Log Tool, to Screen & Disk
pfetch.lha : Pretty fetch for MorphOS
HHH-KWR.adf : Borschtsch - Kuchenwurm
HHH-SBM.adf : Borschtsch - (Sp)BassMan
laffiks_fractal.lha : Laffik's fractal set
MCE-OS4.lha : Multi-game Character Editor
MCE.lha : Multi-game Character Editor : All drums (Not a solo). 8 bit xm
TankX.lha : 1-10 player tank combat (updated Tankkk)
AmiVms.lha : Simulates OpenVMS commands
ReportPlus-OS4.lha : Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus.lha : Multipurpose utility
isomount.lha : Mounting ipf,dms,adf,hdf,iso
evo.lha : E-VO: Amiga E Evolution
FileSystemStressTest.lha : Stress tests disks and file systems

#Amiga Storage -

REDPILLGameCreator_0.9.40.lha : An Amiga Game Creator
CVBasic-0.5.1.lha : BASIC compiler for Colecovision
PintorWeb_5.00.lha : A little and easy web tool to work with pictures for to use in web projects by Templario.
AmiArcadia_32.80.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
ptplayer_6.4.lha : ProTracker player w/ support for ext. sfx
ADiffView_2.6.lha : Graphical ASCII file compare/diff viewer
L.M.Calendar-and-Clock_1.00.lha : A little tool with the charapters the game's world Los Malditos del Valle del Cerro
Image2PDF_2.7.lha : Convert JP(E)Gs and PNGs to PDF
iConecta_5.25.lha : A little and easy tool to test your Internet connection by Juan Carlos 'Templario' Herran Martin.
AmiSSL_5.16.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
HippoPlayer-Update_2.61.lha : Updated HippoPlayer, a module player for classic Amigas
AstralGame_4.10.lha : This esoteric app you can discover your astral and chinese signs.
BootClock_1.50.lha : A little and easy program to computers without battery clock to save and restore the date and time from your computer.
FontTester_2.00.lha : Font Tester
Omanko!_1.20.lha : A tiny web tool made to get and compare the MD5 and CRC32 checksum codes

#MorphOS Storage -

Iris_1.28.lha : Iris, the MorphOS email client
ReportPlus_8.60.lha : A Multipurpose utility by James Jacobs, MorphOS port by Stefan Haubenthal.
AmiArcadia_32.80.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
MCE_15.11.lha : Multi-game Character Editor by James Jacobs.
gasm80.lha : Generic Z80 assembler
TMSColor-2.3.lha : Converter from BMP to TMS9928 format
CVBasic-0.5.1.lha : BASIC compiler for Colecovision
sunny_0.5.lha : A commodity to makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day
Wayfarer_8.9.lha : Wayfarer is the latest web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit.
ThunderSlash.lha : A nice shoot'em up by Jeremy "Sojiro" Martin ported by Nicolas Sallin
ShowGeo_1.0.lha : A simple and unpolished 3D object viewer for VideoScape .geo files
PintorWeb_5.00.lha : A little and easy web tool to work with pictures for to use in web projects by Templario.
PolyOrga_1.26a.lha : PolyOrga is a general-purpose tool to manage events, contacts and tasks.
ADiffView_2.6.lha : A graphical file compare / diff viewer
Easy2Install_1.0b54.lha : A package manager to download, extract, install, update, launch and uninstall
SmartClipboard_1.4.lha : Define actions to act on clipboard write
Runaway_1.31.lha : LCD game conversion
DonkeyKong_1.83.lha : LCD game conversion
L.M.Calendar-and-Clock_1.00.lha : A little tool with the charapters the game's world Los Malditos del Valle del Cerro
MicroExcel_2.1.lha : A Spreadsheed Editor

#OS4Depot -

amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator
mce.lha : MCE - Multi-game Character Editor
reportplus.lha : Report+ - Multipurpose utility
sdl2.lha : SDL2 - Simple DirectMedia Layer 2
vdappc.tar.gz.tar : VdaPPC - A PowerPC disassembler
pasm.tar.gz : PASM - PowerPC assembler
tinyulmui.lha : TinyUL MUI - MUI-based tinybld PIC uploader (e.g. for Minimig)
ntpsync.lha : NTPSync - Synchronizing clocks in the Internet
ignition.lha : Ignition - A modern spreadsheet
vdam68k.tar.gz.tar : Vda68k - A 68k disassembler
ignition-src.lha : Ignition source - A modern spreadsheet (source)
fd2pragma.tar.gz : Fd2pragma - Tool to create pragmas and inlines files
ign-addon-xlsx.lha : Ign-addon-xlsx - Ignition addon for access xlsx-files
ign-addon-ods.lha : Ign-addon-ods - Ignition addon for access ods-files
pintorweb.lha : Pintor Web - A simple and easy picture editor
airscan.lha : AirScan - Native Amiga scanner utility
arabic_console_devicepro2.lha : Arabic console - An arabic console device, line & full-page editors : A1222-Wallpapers - Set of 10 wallpapers for A1222
amigagpt.lha : AmigaGPT - App for chatting to ChatGPT
gfxbench2d.lha : Gfxbench2d - A 2D graphics benchmark tool

#The AROS Archives - : Terri-Fried - A game of balanced power and precision.
eurochamp.lha : eurochamp - statistics euro soccer 1960-2024 : GI Master Mind - intelligence game
gocr-kens-drawer.lha : Gocr-Kens-Drawer - Unofficial kens drawer for Gocr
pintorweb.lha : Pintor Web - A simple and easy picture editor : SlotGameAros - Slot Game
runaway_net_arosx86.lha : Runaway_Net - LCD game conversion
donkeykong_net_arosx86.lha : DonkeyKong_Net - LCD game conversion : AROS Scenic Backdrop - Scenic and Cateyes Backdrops with AROS emblem : Aros-GOCR - optical character recognition program (fixed) : AROS Space Backdrops - Space Backdrops with Aros Emblem : Stoppa card game - La Stoppa is an Italian card game similar to Poker
image2pdf.lha : Image2PDF - convert images file to PDF : Catch It - Run away and don't get caught : Giocodel15 - classic puzzle game from 50 years ago
iconecta.lha : iConecta - A little and easy program to test your Internet : Tressette a Perdere - popular Italian game
hollywoodsp.lha : HollywoodSP - Spanish catalog for hollywood 10 : Python-2.5.2 - Python-2.5.2.i386
vintagesongplayer.lha : Vintage Song Player - A JukeBox multiformat player

#WHDLoad -

Centerbase: Science-Fiction Simulation : done by Psygore
Pop-Up : fixed string termination
Pop-Up : done by DJ Mike
Evolution Cryser : done by DJ Mike
The Final Trip : done by Psygore
Fortress Underground : done by Psygore
Tubular Worlds : added customs options in splash window
Lotus 2 : option to remap 2P keys to A and S (A1200 keyboard limitations)
Workbench 3.1 : recompiled with latest sources
Workbench 1.3 : recompiled with latest sources
Grand National : done by paraj
Super Tennis Champs : gfx displayed on Indivision now, chipmem requirements reduced
Manic Miner : replaced GUI with WHDLoad options, updated installer script and icons, added button waits and speed fixes
Jet Set Willy II : replaced GUI with WHDLoad options, updated installer script and icons, added button waits and speed fixes
Universe : blitter wait routine sometimes called with wrong address, fixed now
Inviyya : better level 3 interrupt handler, last hiscore entry was cleared (CD32)

#Pouë -

A Little Blue : intro
Party Pack No. 22 : demopack
Raster Master : demo
B.S.I. - Byte Scene Investigation : 512b
FujiBoink! : 32k
Splash : 16k
LOSING MARBLES : musicdisk
Cracktrofiller : cracktro
Flickerfiller : 128b
Channel Number 6 : cracktro
DOOM Cracked : cracktro
Danbos After BBQ : demo
Equilibrium : intro
Fat Tracks Vol. 8 : musicdisk
Beats not Bombs! : musicdisk
Party Pack No. 21 : demopack
Last Minute Man : demo
AlienSCApe : 256b
Tunnel Of Glitch : 256b
Toxic Bubbles : 256b
Shadow Party 2024 Invitation : 64k
crap box 29 : demopack
crap box 28 : demopack

#AmigaRemix -

Stormlord Arok Full Length : 5m41s
Hybris Interstellar : 2m59s
The Funky Dragon : 6m10s
Flashback from the Future : 4m01s
LFF (Skid Row Cracktro Song) Tyros Edition : 2m44s
Space 2, RSI Megademo (Extended Remix) : 4m26s
Solitaire FX : 4m18s
In the Forest (Midnight Resistance) : 2m34s
Concerto for Lasers and Enemies (Tyros 3 edition) : 3m43s
Outrun - Magical Sound Shower (Fast Track Remix) : 2m54s
Vixen Megablast : 6m25s
Stardust Memories (Cosmic Carnage) : 4m35s
Desert Rocks 2024 Edition Live Performance : 7m01s
Panza Kick Boxing - Interpol Crack Intro : 3m10s
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 End Tune : 4m26s

Accueil - Mastodon @Amigatronics - Obligement - Amiga Impact - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

(c)2021-2024, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.