Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu
(généré automatiquement le 30-03-2024 à 23:30:38)
Accueil - Amiga Impact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

#Amiga Impact -

L’AC 2024 pointe son museau
Kickstart 2.0 – L’Amiga Bouffe revient à Béthune
[MÀJ] Live Amiga sur la chaîne Twitch de
Amiga Future n°167 est disponible
NASS 2024, les 4A remettent le couvert
Old computers and consoles festival 10
[68k] Roadshow, sur la route encore, encore ! Et en version 1.15
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (janvier/février 2024)
[68k] Le twin-stick shooter Cecconoid en pré-commande
APC&TCP a besoin de disquettes + n°166 d’Amiga Future est disponible

#Obligement -

· L'ordinateur A1222 d'A-EON Technology étant à présent disponible, nous vous proposons une mise à jour du guide de démarrage rapide pour les nouveaux utilisateurs d'A1222 écrit par Eldee Stephens.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Génération 4 n°14 (septembre 1989).

· Septième partie de la série de Daniel Jedlicka qui décrit le développement de Rave, son éditeur audio pour AmigaOS 4.

· Serge Alves vous parle d'Amiga Boot Selector, un outil pour AmigaOS 68k permettant de lancer/gérer douze startup-sequence et de reloger un Kickstart.

· Sébastien Jeudy vous propose un tutoriel décrivant l'animation d'une image en langage C et SDL2 sur MorphOS.

· Publication du test de IBrowse 3.0a, la dernière version en date de ce navigateur Internet pour AmigaOS 3 et 4.

#WArMUp MorphOS -

Wayfarer 7.8 by Jacadcaps
Pangomonium 1.0 released
Wayfarer 7.7 by Jacadcaps
Easy2Install 1.0b51 by Papiosaur and BeWorld 
fheroes II 1.0.13 ported by BeWorld
Animation d'une image en langage C et SDL2 sur MorphOS
Wayfarer 7.6 by Jacadcaps
Iris 1.22 et Contacts 1.2 by Jacadcaps
Lite-XL 2.1.3r1 ported by walkero
SuDoKuL 1.3 ported by BeWorld

#Amiga-NG -

Prix des configurations A1222+
Pilotes Radeon et démarrage sur un disque USB/SD sur Sam4x0
Sorties post Jour de l'An
Sorties post-Noël
Nouveautés et mises à jour
FFMpeg et FFMpegGUI mis à jour
IBrowse 3.0 est sorti !
CompareDirs passe en version 1.12
Parution de BOING n°7
Prix réduit de la Sam460LE

#Amiga Classic -

REDPILL 0.9.33 the Amiga game creator
AstralGame 4.10 by Templario
Font Tester 2.00 by Templario
Pintor Web 4.00 by Templario
HippoPlayer 2.59 by Kari-Pekka Koljonen
iConecta 5.10 by Templario
Videntium Picta 3.00 by Templario
Grimorium PDF 2.50 by Templario
AnimWebConverter 6.00 by Templario
Blackjuan Poker Card 1.10 by Templario

#Amiga France -

Vigilante SMS (Neeso) [Scorpion] en développement
Step 5 AGA (1994-2024 NightLight) Mise à jour
Ecliptic (Bwldrbst) démo jouable
Silhouette AGA (lionagony) [Scorpion] Démo jouable
Duck Hunt (2024 Marggines) v1.2 (03/03/2024)
Hyper Wings (Geldo) Démo jouable
Donkey Kong 500 (2024 JOTD)
Jump n Bump (Earok) [Scorpion] béta MP
Out Run Arcade AGA (Reassembler) en développement
Gate (Allanon) en développement
Breakthru (2024 Acidbottle) [Scorpion]
Final Fight Enhanced ECS (2024 Prototron)
Deep SAGA/RTG (2024 8080) (€)
Wizonk (Mixel) [Scorpion] démo MP
Lost Pixel AGA (AmigaFactory) [Redpill] en développement -

Motorola68k emulation: Status update on the WLAN driver for Emu68
Print magazine: Issue 142 of Amiga Future readable online
Hyperion: Bankruptcy proceedings reopened against Ben Hermans B.V.
Overview: Linux for Sam and A1222-Plus boards
AROS: Review of March 2024
AmigaOS 4.1: ignition-OpenDocument plugin v0.39
PDF-Magazin: REV'n'GE 156 (italienisch/englisch)
Easter game: Bunny's "Boing Ball" Bounty
Aminet uploads until 23.03.2024
OS4Depot uploads until 23.03.2024
AROS Archives uploads until 23.03.2024
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 23.03.2024
WHDLoad: New installers until 23.03.2024
Creating and reading disk images: Disk Jockey 3 for macOS
Chat software: AmigaGPT V1.4.4 for AmigaOS 3 and 4

#Amiga Future -

VD aktuell 03 - Spring 2024 released
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
WHDLoad: New packets online
New publications at
New uploads in Aminet
New uploads in The Aros Archive
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
Old Amiga Future Issue 142 in german & english now online
AmiBlitz 3.9.10b2 released
Amiga Future is looking again for reinforcements
Bunnys Boing Ball Bounty released
Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future
Wayfarer 7.8 released
Games That Werent: Rocket Rescue
WHDLoad: New packets online
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
New publications at
New uploads in The Aros Archive
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New uploads in Aminet
WinFellow v0.5.11 Release Candidate 1
Sega Master System 'Vigilante' is still coming to the Commodore Amiga via Neeso Games
AmiWest 2024 - Save the date

#English Amiga Board -

AROS One x86 Released
APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News
Jump! (Amiga Yoomp) - preorders started
Denise 2.0 released!
CDTV Disc Reference Guide Book
Latest version of ScummVM also ported to RTG
Latest version of ScummVM ported to AGA
AGABlaster - New CDXL Player Released
HippoPlayer v2.48
Rogue Declan Zero coming up + teaser
PowerShark USB-C PSU
What IFF? - Latest Issue
My crappy blog
Limiting the stereo separation with BassMX
AmiDuke - New Duke Nukem 3D port for AGA
Amiga Addict Magazine
Exhumed / Powerslave Amiga port
Norwich Amiga Group - News & Events
New articles on Obligement magazine

#Polski Portal Amigowy -

Wesołych Świąt
Nowa płyta XTD: "Impressions"
Bunny's "Boing Ball" Bounty
Emu68 1.0
Nowa przygodówka tekstowa "The Elves of Maroland"
Pangomonium 1.0
Heretic II (2024) w sprzedaży
ScummVM 2.3.0 dla AmigaOS 3.x
BarsNPipes 1.0
Iris 1.22
Wayfarer 7.6
Lite XL 2.1.3r1
A1222+ - pierwsze spojrzenie
E-VO Amiga E Compiler 3.7.0
AmigaGPT 1.4.3 -

VD aktuell 03 - Spring 2024 released
Old Amiga Future Issue 142 in german & english now online
ReAnimate: 2024 Summer School on Retro Gaming History, Critic, and Development Back Online!
AmiWest 2024
Server4you downtime
Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyperion games
Emojis and more: Pangomonium 1.0 released
SCALA Special - Issue 28 of Amiga Addict is now on sale
Interview of Ján Zahurančík -

Old Amiga Future Issue 142 in german & english now online site outage
AmiWest 2024 - Save the date
Alinea Computer becomes distributor for the next two Hyperion games
Emojis and more: Pangomonium 1.0 released
Interview of Ján Zahurančík
Amiga Future: New full versions online
Amiga Future issue 167 released
New articles on Obligement
Rave audio editor version 1.7 released

#Aminet -

amigassh.lha : SSH2 for the Amiga
F1GP2024Carset.lha : 2024 Carset for F1GP
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
isomount.lha : Mounting img,iso,adf... on doubleclick.
REDPILLGameCreator.lha : Game Creator with AGA support
ODAMEX_AGA.lha : Amiga port of Odamex (DOOM)
2D_ATcad_UAE.lha : 2D-CAD-Programm
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
AmiArcadia.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
gicalaratafont.lha : GI Caralata Font
Exult_AGA.lha : Amiga port of Ultima 7 (Exult)
Exult_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Ultima 7 (Exult)
P96Tests.lha : P96 Test programs
ign-AddOn-ODS.lha : ignition addon for access ods-files
amospro_darkula.lha : Dark theme for AMOS Professional
amospro_setflash.lha : Edit AMOS Pro cursor flash
expression_1.0.lha : Hollywood plugin: calculate expressions : bwBASIC111 Manual AND Orig. interpreter
ScummVM_RTG_060.lha : Amiga RTG port of ScummVM 2.5.1 (68060) : Tressette a Perdere card game
gimemorygame.lha : GI Memory Game : GI Memory Game
AmiVms.lha : Simulates OpenVMS commands
tap2dsk.lha : Oric tape to disk
2D_ATcad_UAE720.png : ATcad_UAE in 720p
AmigaGPT.lha : App for chatting to ChatGPT
ScummVM_AGA_060.lha : Amiga AGA port of ScummVM 2.3.0 (68060) : PuzzleBalls game
puzzleballs.lha : PuzzleBalls game
neatvi.lha : Neat vi clone
IconLib_46.4.lha : free icon.library in optimized ASM code
Dice_Masters_Demo.lha : Dice Masters demo
LN3Earth24.lha : 16bit 4ch LN3 Earth Temple 24 by HKvalhe
BSDSocket-Extension.lha : Use bsdsocket.library in AMOS Pro
HWP_Pangomonium.lha : The ultimate text engine for Hollywood : SkyBalls game
AmiWordle.lha : Wordle clone - English/German/French
skyballs.lha : SkyBalls game
listercompare.module.lha : DOpus Magellan II: Compare lister entries
AST_Catweasel.lha : Spanish info about Catweasel driver

#Amiga Storage -

REDPILLGameCreator_0.9.33.lha : An Amiga Game Creator
AstralGame_4.10.lha : This esoteric app you can discover your astral and chinese signs.
BootClock_1.50.lha : A little and easy program to computers without battery clock to save and restore the date and time from your computer.
FontTester_2.00.lha : Font Tester
PintorWeb_4.00.lha : A little and easy web tool to work with pictures for to use in web projects by Templario.
Omanko!_1.20.lha : A tiny web tool made to get and compare the MD5 and CRC32 checksum codes
HippoPlayer-Update_2.59.lha : Updated HippoPlayer, a module player for classic Amigas
iConecta_5.10.lha : A little and easy tool to test your Internet connection by Juan Carlos 'Templario' Herran Martin.
VidentiumPicta_3.00.lha : An image viewer program programmed with Hollywood™ and show almost all image formats with many features.
GrimoriumPDF_2.50.lha : A program made with Hollywood™ to read PDF files, this program is easy to handle, is portable and freeware and open PDF.
AnimWebConverter_6.00.lha : A little and easy web tool by Templarioto converter your old Amiga animations anim or yafa formats to the web current anim formats gif or apng, also you can use the tool to resize the animations or change the play speed or convert between formats gif or apng, the tool not convert to Amiga formats.
VideoSlotMachine_1.10.lha : A slot machine game
PDF2JPG_1.1.lha : Convert PDF to JPG
image2PDF_2.3.lha : Convert images to PDF
PDF2PDF_1.3.lha : A little tool to convert PDF files to PDF files

#MorphOS Storage -

LosMalditos_1.00.lha : Adventure point and click R.P.G.
DirSize_2.6.lha : Calculate directory sizes
tap2dsk_2.1.lha : A tool that builds a Sedoric3 master disk image (.dsk) from the files found in zero or more Oric tape images (.tap)
neatvi-14.lha : Neat vi clone
Wayfarer_7.8.lha : Wayfarer is the latest web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit.
Easy2Install_1.0b51.lha : A package manager to download, extract, install, update, launch and uninstall
Pangomonium_1.0.lha : a plugin for Hollywood that features an advanced text rendering engine which makes it possible to draw text in almost every language of the world
butterfly.lha : Archive with C source code using SDL2 realized by Jedi
fheroes2_1.0.13.lha : fheroes2 is a recreation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine. Port by BeWorld
AmiArcadia_31.0.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
Iris_1.22.lha : Iris, the MorphOS email client
Lite-XL_2.1.3r1.lha : Lite XL is a lightweight text editor written in Lua
SuDokuL_1.3.lha : Sudoku game for Switch/Wii U/Vita/PC, made with C++/SDL2. Port by BeWorld
Woof_14.2.0.lha : Woof! is a continuation of Lee Killough's Doom source port MBF targeted at modern systems - port by BeWorld
MirageImager_1.2.lha : Plugin for ACE CPC Emulator which is emulating the Mirage Imager expansion card from Mirage Microcomputers Ltd
Fallout1-ce_1.1.lha : Fallout for modern operating systems
Albireo_1.6.lha : Plugin for ACE CPC Emulator which is emulating the Pulkotronics' Albireo
lwtools-4.22.lha : Cross-development system targetting 6809
GitDesktop_0.13.22.lha : A graphical git frontend for MorphOS, inspired by GitHub Desktop, GitLab Discovery

#OS4Depot -

amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator
losmalditosdemo.lha : Los Malditos Demo - Adventure point and click R.P.G.
ign-addon-ods.lha : Ign-addon-ods - Ignition addon for access ods-files
meminfo.lha : meminfo - show meminfo usage in a GUI
libfreetype.lha : Libfreetype - A Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine
libsdl2_ttf.lha : Libsdl2_ttf - A Freetype 2.0 wrapper for SDL2
thf.lha : THF - THF for Heretic II Multiplayer Mod
amigagpt.lha : AmigaGPT - App for chatting to ChatGPT
liba52.lha : liba52 - low-level interface to decode AC-3 audio
libsdl2_mixer.lha : SDL2_mixer - Mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.x
amiupdate_fin.lha : amiupdate_finnish - Finnish catalogs for AmiUpdate
pt2_clone.lha : pt2_clone - Ported clone of Protracker II
amiupdate_pol.lha : AmiUpdate Polish - Polish catalog files for AmiUpdate
mplayer.lha : MPlayer - A powerful multimedia video and audio player
libsdl2_gfx.lha : sdl2_gfx - Drawing and graphical effects extension for SDL2
libsdl2_image.lha : libsdl2_image - SDL2 image file loading library
libtiff.lha : libtiff - Lib for handling Tag Image File Format (TIFF)
libsdl2_net.lha : Libsdl2_net - SDL2_net portable network library
libsmpeg2.lha : Libsmpeg2 - SDL2 MPEG Player Library (SMPEG2)
letter-worm.lha : Letter Worm - Collect letters and fly away as a butterfly

#The AROS Archives - : ResidualVM-0.3.1 - ResidualVM : Scummvm-1.9.0 - ScummVM
losmalditosdemo.lha : Los Malditos Demo - Adventure point and click R.P.G.
barsnpipesaros.lha : Bars&Pipes - Port of Amiga 68k Midi Sequencer : IcarosFix - Little fix for icaros v2.3 : Raylib 5 - A simple and easy-to-use library to write games.. : Feedback 14 - Music-disk by Void : B&P_Dev_Tols_Access - Development B&P For Tools and Accessories : nano demo - port of the nano demo for Ipod by kakiarts : Arrakis demo - port of the Arrakis demo for Ipod by kakiarts/trbl : GLFW 3.4 - GLFW is an Open Source, multi-platform library
hollywoodsp.lha : HollywoodSP - Spanish Catalog for Hollywood 10
pana_sx-kc600.lha : Pana_SX-KC600 - Piano Music MP3
sonoscontroller.lha : SonosController - Control Sonos speakers with your Amiga : Protrekkr - Tracker program with advance features
usbmidi.i386-aros.lha : MidiDriver.i386-Aros - MidiDriver with source
boh.i386-aros.lha : BOH-i386-aros - game released upon humanitarian donation
wcs.multi-aros.lha : WCS - World Construction Set : Odyssey 1.26 - Odyssey Web Browser : JetPac - The Return - Remake ZX Spectrum classic game

#WHDLoad -

De Profundis : done by Psygore
Fusion : check disk protection in game patched now
Hard Drivin' : fixed keyboard on version SPS0126
Alien Breed 2 : added modding options, better blitter waits for A1000
Second Samurai : disk change patch in OCS version fixed, game now continues to end sequence after defeating the final boss
Krogharr demo : done by Psygore
The Fall : done by Psygore
Spectral : done by Psygore
Panacea : done by Psygore
Darkside : caches are enabled on 68020/030 without MMU system too now
Wonderboy : supports latest version
Breakthru : supports new version
Batman Rises : done by paraj
Captured Dreams : caches are enabled on 68020/030 without MMU system too now
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers : interrupt fixed in intro, custom options added
Breakthru : done by JOTD

#Pouë -

Interface 37 : demo
Alternative Movement! : musicdisk
crap box 25 : demopack
crap box 24 : demopack
Greetro From Space : demo
Nikki Fox : slideshow
Fillusion : 64k
Glenz 1k : 1k
strss : 512b
Found in Legoland : 8k
Jogeir 50 birthday demo : intro
A Murder Of Scrolls : 40k
Pågadata : demo
Declaration Of Love : 32k
Los Caballos Feos : demo
QuicPac #1 : demopack
Rebirth : dentro
Glitch 3.0 : demo
We Are Back : 40k
Schwung : demo
Planetary Void : demo
Is Real : demo
Kinkvantesimå : 32k
BYO40K : 40k
Desire FM : 40k

#AmigaRemix -

Another World, Intro (Vandahlia Special Remix) : 5m12s
Dune - Ecolove's Pauls Theme : 3m40s
Dune Ecolove (Vandahlia Special Remix) : 5m06s
Elvira MotD Upstairs Music (Vandahlia Special Remix) : 5m18s
Rambo III Stage 2 Music (Vandahlia Special Remix) : 6m15s
Stardust Memories - Nebula Falling : 4m11s
Poormouth : 5m42s
Shadow Fighter BGM09 : 3m05s
Emax/TRSI - Def.loration (Nightwolf 2024 remix) : 3m21s
Turrican II Freedom Live Performance : 6m18s
WAR (Never been so much fun!) : 2m32s
Electric City : 4m41s
Apidya (Highscore) : 4m39s
Urban Ferret (Afterburner Final Take Off) : 4m15s
Enigma-Goria : 5m55s

Accueil - Amiga Impact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

(c)2021-2024, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.