Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu
(généré automatiquement le 11-11-2023 à 23:59:14)
Accueil - Amiga Impact - Mastodon @amigaimpact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

#Amiga Impact -

Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (septembre/octobre 2023)
Magazine : Parution de BOING n°7
[MÀJ] [MOS] PolyOrga, le retour !
[MÀJ x2] Editions64k : financement du 3ème livre sur la demoscene Amiga
[AGA] Reshoot Proxima III disponible
Amiga Future 164 est sorti
La MicroAlchimie VII fait sa rentrée
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (juillet/août 2023)
Amos Professional Unity – Public Alpha Release 3 (Ver0.4)
AmiGameJam « Sword & Sorcery » : 9 nouveaux jeux, à vos votes !

#Mastodon @amigaimpact -

Post : BatteMan @batteman 🌎 Feu mon #iMacG5 sous #MorphOS, et mon #Amiga1200 avec sa #PiStorm, tous les deux à la #MicroAlchimie2k23 ! Quelques minutes après cette photo, l'iMac était HS (après 4 années de bons et loyaux services).... et l'iMac identique qui était en vente sur place à connu le même sort... On me surnomme désormais le "tueur de G5" 😅 #amiga #pegasos #MorphOS #amigaos lien

Post : BatteMan @batteman 🌎 Sac prêt pour la #MicroAlchimie2k23 ! Petit déjeuner puis douche et décollage d'ici 20 min pour retrouver ACE et aRes, mes compagnons d'échappée ! #amiga

Post : AmigaImpact @amigaimpact 🌎 [ACTU] Magazine : Parution de BOING n°7 Dans ce n°7, vous trouverez un véritable guide d’achat de l’Amiga, listant les différentes solutions disponibles aujourd’hui. Vous pourrez en apprendre plus sur l’A1222+ avec un dossier spécial ainsi qu’un entretien exclusif avec AAA Technology. Découvrez également le retour en grâce du mode graphique aux 4096 couleurs, le HAM, ainsi que les tests de Night/Shift et Absolute 0°, le jeu de l’Oimiga et bien d’autres choses. lien

#Obligement -

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Génération 4 n°7 (décembre 1988).

· Publication d'un article à propos de ReAction, AppWindows et AppMessages sur AmigaOS 4.

· Ajout de la rubrique actualité de septembre/octobre 2023 qui fait le point sur l'essentiel de l'actualité Amiga de ces deux derniers mois.

· Deux articles sur la PiStorm : test de la PiStorm32-lite et Configuration d'Emu68 sur cette carte accélératrice.

· Deuxième salve d'articles issus du magazine Byte traduits en français, de novembre à décembre 1985 :

· Arrivée d'un test de Neon Noir, un jeu d'aventure pour Amiga AGA dont les images ont été créées avec de l'intelligence artificielle.

#WArMUp MorphOS -

Wayfarer 6.6 by Jacadcaps
pt2-clone 1.65.1 ported by BeWorld
News from MorphOS and Amiga world by Daff
PolyOrga 1.25 par Polymere
AmiArcadia 30.40 ported by Stefan Haubenthal
RNOWidgets 1.6 by jPV^RNO
iConecta 5.00 by Templario
iGame 2.4.5 par MrZammler
Easy2Install 1.0b43 by Papiosaur and BeWorld 
WitchCleaner 3.00 par Templario

#Amiga-NG -

Parution de BOING n°7
Prix réduit de la Sam460LE
Annonces A-EON lors de l'Amiga 38
sortie d'une nouvelle version de la LibEGL_wrap
Sortie de RNOslides
Sylpheed, le client mail qui fait de l'IMAP
Magazine BOING n°6 disponible
La production de l'A1222 va commencer
Sortie des RNO Widgets
Sam460LE pré-commandées expédiées

#Amiga Classic -

REDPILL 0.9.28 the Amiga game creator
iConecta 5.00 by Templario
Blackjuan Poker Card 1.10 by Templario
P96 3.4.0 released
VAMP 3.10 by Templario
WBDock 2.896 by Thomas Rapp
AmiArcadia 30.0 by James Jacob
iGame 2.4.2 par MrZammler
ZIP 2.0 available
Magazine BOING n°6 disponible

#Amiga France -

Rally Cross (2023 Ozzyboshi)
Game X AGA (2023 hitchhikr)
Boom AGA (2023 Zoopersoft) [Scorpion] (€)
Hop to the top 2 (2023 RobSmithDev)
Magazine BOING n°7 disponible
Chaos Guns (Patchwork) démo 2023
Shmup Salad AGA/RTG (2023 Ninetysoft) (€)
Blues Brothers 2 RTG (Arti) béta
Demoscene The Amiga renaissance
Prehistorik 2 RTG (Arti) béta
2 éducatifs préservés
Boxx 2 remake (2023 Lemmings880) [Scorpion] v1.0 (18/09/2023)
Electroman AGA (Tukinem) démo jouable niveau 1 à 5 (09/11/203)
Wackopac AGA (Finity) démo jouable
Dragon Slayer (2023 hitchhikr) -

Diagnosis software: Amiga Test Kit 1.21
Dungeon Crawler: "The CTHUHLU Project" (DevLog 1)
Platform game: Update for Amiga port of Electro Man
Arcade classic: Super Bagman (beta version)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 6.6
Amiga Tool Jam: GoVars
Amiga emulator: Amiberry 5.6.2
MorphOS: PolyOrganiser 1.25
Amiga Tool Jam: DrawerGenie V0.4
Video: Installation of a ZuluSCSI
Desktop widget: RNOWidgets 1.6 for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4
AmigaOS 4: CompareDirs V1.12
APC&TCP: Boxed version of Boxx 4 released
Javascript: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation 0.36
Workbench distribution: AmiKit XE 12.3
Do it yourself: Revision 4.0.1 of N2630 expansion board for Amiga 2000
Do it yourself: RGB to VGA adapter AMI-RGB2VGAULTIMATE
Event: AmigaWinterTreffen 9.-11.02.2024 in Großensee (Germany)
Event: Interface XXXVI in Kiel, 25.11.2023
Amiga Tool Jam: AmiAuthenticator V1.1.0
Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.28
Programming language: Amiga C/C++ Visual Studio Code Extension 1.7.5
New articles on Obligement website
Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 165
Aminet uploads until 04.11.2023
OS4Depot uploads until 04.11.2023
AROS Archives uploads until 04.11.2023
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 04.11.2023
Racing game: Rally Cross V1.0
Weather data: AmiWeatherForecast V1.2

#Amiga Future -

Report+ Update released
AmiBerry 5.6.2 released
New uploads in OS4 Depot
WHDLoad: New packets online
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New publications at
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New uploads in Aminet
New uploads in The Aros Archive
AmigaRemix: New tracks online
Amiga Future subscription campaign for more pages
Amiga Future magazine & AFA Viewer index update
RedPill 0.9.28 Beta released
A/NES 1.21 released
Amiga winter meeting 2024
Mnemosyne 1.1.1 released
AmiKit 12.3 update for Windows/Mac/Linux/Raspberry + new DevPack
RNOWidgets 1.6 released
APC&TCP: Boxed Version of Boxx 4 released
iGame 2.4.5 released
Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future
Amiga Videos on Youtube
New uploads in OS4 Depot
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New publications at

#English Amiga Board -

HippoPlayer v2.48
Star Wars Dark Forces released
Rogue Declan Zero coming up + teaser
APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News
AROS One x86 Released
RNOWidgets released for OS4 (also available for MorphOS)
Death Rally port released
Amity for MiSTER FPGA, aka aMiSTer
Amiga Addict Magazine
AQUABYSS - New game announcement
Denise 2.0 released!
AROS One 68k
PSXPort source released
New articles on Obligement magazine
vscode-amiga-debug now supports Linux, MacOS
GRIND : a Doom-like, first person shooter for a500!
Blood Amiga Port released
New ZDOOM port to Amiga 68k
ZOOM MEETING: Commodore Video Chip Designer - ALBERT CHARPENTIER !

#Polski Portal Amigowy -

AmigaToolJam - dodatkowe prace
Wayfarer 6.6
dRally dla Amigi 68k
AmiKit 12.3
Boxx 4 - wersja pudełkowa
A/NES 1.21
Amiga Bez Ściemy na żywo
WebKit dla AmigaOS 4 - status prac
Retro Games zapowiada nowe produkty
Polska Demoscena Jako Wspólnota - album
Amiga Future 165
Rogue Declan 1.2.0
AmigaToolJam - wydłużono termin nadsyłania prac
"Amiga Bez Ściemy" - przegląd odcinków październikowych
Amiga Remix - aktualizacja -

AmiKit 12.3 update for Windows/Mac/Linux/Raspberry + new DevPack
AmiCamp 2024
Pistorm32 for Amiga 1200 Retail Boxed
Amiga Future issue 165 released
New articles on Obligement
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 165 - preview is now available to view online
BOING #7 mag released
AROS One x86 v2.2 Released
Amiga Demoscene Reviews
AmiKit for PiStorm released! -

Amiga Future subscription campaign for more pages
APC&TCP: Boxed Version of Boxx 4 released
AmiCamp 2024
Amiga Future issue 165 released
New articles on Obligement
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 165 - preview is now available to view online
BOING #7 mag released
AROS One x86 v2.2 Released
Sam460LE special price
News from Alinea Computer: Wodem, KickRom-Flash and KickRom-Progger

#Aminet -

ioblix_netcard.lha : ioblix network card gerber files and BOM
tfe-darkforces.lha : Dark Forces Amiga Port
ReportPlus-OS4.lha : Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus.lha : Multipurpose utility
InstallerLG.src.lha : Commodore Installer replacement
Zap_205.lha : Binary file editor from 1990
AmySequencer.lha : MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA (Beta)
AnalogClock.lha : Resizeable analog transparent clock
CopDis_JL.lha : Copper Disassembler from 1993
F1GP2023Carset.lha : 2023 Carset for F1GP
LastIndian.lha : 16bit 5ch Panflute Jungle by HKvalhe
GoVars.lha : environment variables editor
drally.lha : Death Rally Amiga Port
fullpalette_de.lha : German catalog for FullPalette 40.22
fullpalette_guide_de.lha : German guide for FullPalette 40.22
RNOWidgets.lha : Desktop widgets application
RNOWidgets_OS4.lha : Desktop widgets application
ioblix2_drv.lha : ioblix2.library and driver (IOBlixZ2)
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
IdentifyLib_FR.lha : French catalog and docs for identify.lib
DrawerGenie.lha : Toolbar for Workbench Drawers
ResetLever.lha : Reset your Amiga with ResetLever
makedepend_AmiMod.lha : makedepend bugfixed + modified for smake
anes.lha : A/NES v1.21 - Nintendo emulator
CompareDirs_OS4.lha : Compare two dirs for different files
AmiAuthenticator.lha : 2FA (TOTP) code generator
REDPILLGameCreator.lha : Game Creator with AGA support
AmigaMon_162.lha : Amiga Monitor from 1993 (w/ PatchTrace)
AmigaGPT.lha : App for chatting to ChatGPT
iGame.lha : Front-end for WHDLoad
VisualGuide_de.lha : German catalog for VisualGuide 2.82
AmiVms.lha : Simulates OpenVMS commands
file.driver.lha : CyberSound driver for file output
sysvars.lha : Put system information in env. variables
Mnemosyne.lha : Disk usage statistics+file/folder utility
Freaks.lha : 16bit 4ch Up-Tempo Techno by HKvalhe
BackdPattGener.lha : Create your own backdrop patterns on WB!
AMIGA-SCARTRGBcable.jpg : Schematic for generic Amiga SCART cable
Passcodes.lha : Passcodes network word guessing game
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator

#Amiga Storage -

REDPILLGameCreator_0.9.28.lha : An Amiga Game Creator
iConecta_5.00.lha : A little and easy tool to test your Internet connection by Juan Carlos 'Templario' Herran Martin.
VideoSlotMachine_1.10.lha : A slot machine game
PDF2JPG_1.1.lha : Convert PDF to JPG
image2PDF_2.3.lha : Convert images to PDF
PDF2PDF_1.3.lha : A little tool to convert PDF files to PDF files
listercompare.module_1.1.lha : Dopus Magellan II: Compare lister entries
ADiffView_2.4.lha : Graphical ASCII file compare/diff viewer
Blackjuan_1.10.lha : Blackjuan Poker Card
DASM_2.20.14.1.lha : Multi-CPU 65xx/68xx cross assembler
VAMP_3.10.lha : A Multimedia Player programmed with Hollywood
WBDock_2.896.lha : A dock comparable with Toolmanager or AmiDock.
AmiArcadia_30.0.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
iGame_2.4.2.lha : A frontend to launching WHDLoad games

#MorphOS Storage -

Wayfarer_6.6.lha : Wayfarer is the latest web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit.
Lua_5.4.6.lha : Latest release of Lua compiler
pt2-clone_1.65.1.lha : ProTracker 2 clone - port by BeWorld
PolyOrga_1.25.lha : PolyOrga is a general-purpose tool to manage events, contacts and tasks.
AmiArcadia_30.40.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
RNOWidgets_1.6.lha : Desktop widgets application
iConecta_5.00.lha : A little and easy program to test your Internet connection, it was made thinking in Apple Macs running MorphOS and using the wireless connection.
AmiSSL_5.12.lha : an Amiga 68k shared library (needed for some old software)
iGame_2.4.5.lha : A frontend to launching WHDLoad games
WitchCleaner_3.00.lha : A little and easy program to clean the .recycled trashcans the obsolete and old files.
Meltium_1.60.lha : A small graphical CPU-usage meter
Untangle_0.1.lha : A logic puzzle, where the player faces a set of dots connected by lines
SacrificioPagano_2.00.lha : A special app to people that bealive in the magic or wiccan practices.
Neatvi_12.lha : Neat vi clone
CRABUM_1.7.lha : A MUI GUI for creating Ambient user menus the easy way
wipEout_1.0.2.lha : wipEout Rewrite - port by BeWorld
Neatroff.lha : An implementation of troff typesetting system in C programming language
Tree_2.1.1.lha : Display a tree view of directories
FPCMines_1.1.lha : A minesweeper clone for MorphOS written in Freepascal
SDL_2.28.4_Libraries.lha : All Libraries SDL : SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_net and SDL2_gfx with SDK and extras files for MorphOS 3.18.

#OS4Depot -

reportplus.lha : Report+ - Multipurpose utility
rnowidgets.lha : RNOWidgets - Desktop widgets application
comparedirs.lha : Comparedirs - Compare two dirs for different files, with GUI
nallepuh.lha : Nallepuh - Nalle Puh (Paula,CIAA,CIAB emulation)
iconecta.lha : iConecta - A little and easy program to test your connection
igame.lha : iGame - Front-end for WHDLoad
pt2_clone.lha : pt2_clone - Ported clone of Protracker II
astromenace.lha : Astromenace - Hardcore 3D space scroll-shooter
amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator
sacrificiopagano.lha : Sacrificio Pagano - Magic Tool
openjpeg.lha : OpenJPEG - Open-source JPEG 2000 codec
sdl2.lha : SDL2 - Simple DirectMedia Layer 2
amissl-sdk.lha : AmiSSL SDK - SDK for AmiSSL
amissl.lha : AmiSSL - OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
synergy_mm.lha : Synergy Mouse Move - Force Synergy to send mouse movement if clamped
libvpx.lha : Libvpx - WebM VP8/VP9 Codec library
milkytracker-sdl2.lha : MilkyTracker - SDL2 version of an FT2 compatible music tracker
flashmandelng.lha : FlashMandelNG - Mandelbrot & Julia fractals for OS4 Amiga
videoslotmachine.lha : Video Slot Machine - A slot video game
wormwars.lha : Worm Wars - Advanced snake/Tron game

#The AROS Archives -

aget.lha : AGet - HTTP Protocol Tester
iconecta.lha : iConecta - A little and easy program to test your Internet
passcodes.i386-aros.lha : Passcodes - network word guessing game
sacrificopagano.lha : Sacrificio Pagano - Magic Tool
vnc-client-server.lha : VNC-Client-Server - Aros VNC Client and Server
hollywoodsp.lha : HollywoodSP - Spanish Catalog for Hollywood 10
videoslotmachine.lha : Video Slot Machine - A slot video game
amitechgazette-issue01.pdf : AmitechGazzette_01 - Preview of this PDF Magazine
drawer_icon_games_kensv4.lha : kensV4_Drawer_Games - Drawer Games Icons Kens v4 Style
icon_game_38x38.lha : icon_game_38x38 - icon game 38x38 : FadeToBlack - Fade to Black is an action-adventure game.
lilcalendar.i386-aros.lha : LilCalendar - Calender scheduling and reminder application : Pingus - Lead Pingus to the correct exit path on each level
whatiff2.11.lha : WhatIFF2.11 - Magazine on AmigaGuide "Septembre 2023"
webptools132_aros.lha : Webptools - encode/decode images in WebP format
rnoslides.i386-aros.lha : RNOSlides - Slideshow video creator and player
golfsolitaire.lha : Golf - Golf Solitaire Card Game
blackivan.lha : BlackIvan - A blackjack clone
sieteymedia.lha : Siete Y Media - The Siete y Media card game.
blackjuan.lha : Blackjuan Poker Card - Blackjack clone

#WHDLoad -

Nathan Never : added more icons
Butcher Hill : added more icons
Reshoot Proxima 3 : allow change pause key
Eon : done by paraj
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters : supports another version
Reshoot Proxima 3 : removed a obsolete patch
Breach : supports version 1.2e
Blue Boy : done by Psygore
Defender : done by JOTD
Reshoot Proxima 3 : access fault fixed, memory required reduced, icons added
Reshoot Proxima 3 : done by Wepl
Tolteka : fixed all wrong BLTCON1 address
Zaxxon : overhauled, keyboard and snoop errors fixed, trainer and icons added
Bismarck : german version supported
Tolteka : done by Psygore
Music Disk 3 : done by StingRay

#Pouë -

Amiga Rulez 2301 : diskmag
Classic Tech - Issue 0 : diskmag
30N Teaser : 64k
RowHAMmer : 4k
Magnum A.I. : 64k
Second Rodeo : 4k
JomanisFlyingSaxofon : game
Party Pack No. 16 : demopack
Mega Intro : intro
Brutalist Love : 4k
BAC Meetro 2023 : intro
crap box 22 : demopack
crap box -22 : demopack
Inanna : 4k
Party Pack No. 15 : demopack
Italodisco vol.1 : demopack
ASM Directors Cut - The Soundtrack : musicdisk
old'scool : dentro
hypotrain : 512b
Party Pack No. 14 : demopack
Transmute : demo
deebros : 40k
Scene Archetypes : intro

#AmigaRemix -

Enigma-Goria : 5m55s
A Prehistoric Tale : 4m14s
Unsuspected Puost : 2m01s
Cadaver Main Theme Music (Remake) : 3m03s
Nexus 7 Theme (Cover) : 6m30s
Beetlemusic [Bouncy edit] : 3m17s
Beetlemusic [Encore500] : 3m16s
Body Blows [Encore500] : 3m35s
Rage is Relentless [Encore500] : 3m41s
RSI Hard [Encore500] : 3m12s
Battle Squadron - HiScore [Encore500] : 4m19s
Endtheme [Encore500] : 5m31s
Forests [Encore500] : 8m16s
Turrican 2 - Title [Encore500] : 7m40s
Never-ending Amiga love [Encore500] : 11m02s

Accueil - Amiga Impact - Mastodon @amigaimpact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë - AmigaRemix

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

(c)2021-2023, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.