Chronicle Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu |
(généré automatiquement le 31-12-2022 à 23:40:14)
[préc] HISTORIQUE [suiv] |
#Amiga Impact - ![]() [Démo OCS] Batman défie le Lotus Magazine : BOING n°5 disponible L’OST de la démo Odyssey en vynile ! IBrowse se met encore à jour et se hotfix ! Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (septembre/octobre 2022) La MicroAlchimie VI est dans moins d’un mois Entrevue avec Jérôme « Glames » Senay Un podcast en hommage à Benoît « Maf » Charcosset ! Delitracker Emulator revit après la mort Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (juillet/août 2022) |
#Twitter @amigaimpact - ![]() |
#Obligement - ![]()
#WArMUp MorphOS - ![]() Wayfarer 4.6 by Jacadcaps Tipografia 1.2 by Domenico Lattanzi Kheshkhash (2022) - Encore & Scenic ModExplorer NG 3.82 by Jörg Renkert ComicOn 1.4 by Jörg Renkert Woof! 10.5.0 ported by BeWorld New ports by BeWorld TinyGL r8 (2022-12-21) by bigfoot fheroes II 1.0.0 ported by BeWorld Merry Christmas |
#Amiga-NG - ![]() Magazine BOING n°5 disponible NovaBridge est disponible SDK d'AmigaOS 4.1 mis à jour The Battle for the Solar System: The Pandoran War M.A.C.E. Tower Defense : jeu passé sous les radars Pilote Radeon HD v5 Nouveautés 3D par Kas1e Enhancer Software 2.2 Sam460LE : plus que 2 mois à attendre ! Rave 1.2 |
#Amiga Classic - ![]() LHArchiver 1.6 by Bernd Assenmacher REDPILL 0.9.15 the Amiga game creator AmigaAMP 3.33 by Thomas Wenzel Magazine BOING n°5 disponible PortablE r6 by ChrisH HippoPlayer 2.55 by Kari-Pekka Koljonen AnimWebConverter 5.0 by Templario AmiTube 1.3 by Markus Sackrow Pintor Web 3.20 by Templario RNOEffect 1.4 by jPV^RNO |
#Amiga France - ![]() Crimbo (2022 Black Jet) Cecconoid (Hoffman) en développement Dead Metal 2 (2022 Fastmancol) Santa Claus Xmas OCS/AGA (2022 Amiten) (~€~) Trojan (Skyzoo73) [Scorpion] en développement Murder FR (1990 Us Gold) VF retrouvée Mag BOING n°5 disponible Wrong Way Back (2022 Locked Door Puzzle) Boxx 1 remake (2022 Lemming880) [Scorpion] v0.3 (30/11/2022) Projects in the Attic (Electric Black Sheep) Test demo Luma (2022 Zoopersoft) Microtopia (Ripper) démo jouable Shuriken AGA (2022 Sikosis) Weegie Nights (Deadalus) démo jouable Blower (2022 YouenChene) | - ![]() Amiga emulator: Amiberry 5.5 Blog: How authentic is the Amiga 1000 in "Stranger Things"? Video: Status update on BitBeamCannon projects Video: 25 popular demos MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 4.6 AmigaOS 4: Blog summary of December Video review: Junior's Great Adventure Rediscovered: Unfinished Blitz Basic 2 projects Motorola68k emulation: Nightly Build von Emu68 für PiStorm32-lite veröffentlicht AmigaOS 4: SMB2 handler smb2fs V53.2 MorphOS: ENCORE & SCENIC released KHESHKHASH demo 68k hardware emulation: PiStorm32-lite with firmware released Video: Programming demos with "AProcessing" framework Emulator: vAmigaWeb v2.3 b1 MorphOS: Eighth beta version of TinyGL Workbench distribution: AmiKit XE 11.9.0 for Raspberry Pi 4/400 and Windows AmigaOS 4: Audio editor Rave 1.4 PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 141 (Italian/English) A-EON Technology: Enhancer Software Core Release 2 / Delay of A1222 Aminet uploads until 24.12.2022 OS4Depot uploads until 24.12.2022 AROS Archives uploads until 24.12.2022 MorphOS-Storage uploads until 24.12.2022 WHDLoad: New installers until 24.12.2022 |
#Amiga Future - ![]() WHDLoad: New packets online New uploads in MorphOS Storage New uploads in OS4 Depot New uploads in The Aros Archive Amiga Future: cheats database Update New HOL Uploads New publications at New uploads in Aminet vAmigaWeb v2.3 b1 released Trevors Blog: Christmas Present Crimbo - Unofficial ZX Spectrum to Amiga conversion of a game originally by Little Shop of Pixles. Blast from the past: Payback native for AmigaOS4 AirScan 1.0A released Turrican 2 as an MS-DOS to AMIGA AGA conversion gets a release AxRuntime 41.4 released WinUAE 4.10.0 released GTW64 Christmas update 2022 ZitaFTP Server 1.36 - User Feedback Edition released Scene World: Podcast Episode #156 - MayTree UBoot 2015.b for Sam460EX / Sam460CR / Sam460LE boards available AmigaAMP 3.33 released Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future Amiga Videos on Youtube New uploads in MorphOS Storage New uploads in OS4 Depot |
#English Amiga Board - ![]() Anyone want to contribute audio samples for a game? AmiModRadio - All of Aminet modules at your fingertips AmigaOS 3.2 released! Mechanical keyboards from RastPort HippoPlayer v2.48 AxRuntime v41.4 Released TinyLauncher 3+ released Picasso 96 driver for ECS/AGA Fleafpga ohm minimig AROS One x86 v1.9 Released asm-pro 1.19 Amiga Addict Magazine Amiga Christmas Tree 2022! WinUAE 4.10.0 New Game: Crimbo IBrowse 2.5.6 + AmiSSL v5 Released AMICUBE - a new game for classic Amiga APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News AfA One Released AmiQuake new 68k Quake Port for AGA/RTG |
#Polski Portal Amigowy - ![]() Roadshow - grupowe zakupy ruszyły! MorphOS i GitHub - artykuł AirScan 1.0a Rave 1.4 AmiKit XE 11.9.0 Zmarł Archer MacLean Wesołych Świąt od Trevora Dickinsona Sklep Retronics Payback dla AmigaOS 4 Wesołych Świąt AxRuntime 41.4 SMB2 dla AmigaOS 4 Avalanche 1.9 AmigaAMP 3.33 WinUAE 4.10.0 | - ![]() Enhancer Software 2.2 On Sale REV'n'GE! #141 Amiga NG DVD 1 AmiModRadio v0.99996 Blast from the past: Payback native for AmigaOS4. AxRuntime v41.4 released APC&TCP: Amiga37 DVD released ZitaFTP Server v1 36 - User Feedback Edition Amiga Kit Blog: Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas Winuae 4.10.0 released | - ![]() Video Review: Junior´s Great Adventure by Amigamers Enhancer Software 2.2 On Sale Rave version 1.4 released Merry Christmas UBoot 2015.b for Sam460EX / Sam460CR / Sam460LE boards available Amiga NG DVD 1 Blast from the past: Payback native for AmigaOS4. APC&TCP: Amiga37 DVD released ZitaFTP Server v1 36 - User Feedback Edition Amiga Kit Blog: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas |
#Aminet - ![]() pdp10-its-disassembler.lha : Tools for analysing PDP-10 ITS files PcmciaCD.lha : ATAPI PCMCIA CD driver Sony Vaio enc_sce_kheshkhash.lha : Kheshkhash by Encore & Scenic vCPUComp.lha : Gigatron asm compiler COP.lha : Low Level Debugger StefADV.lha : Little italian text adventure SamplesCreator.lha : 8svx samples creation and saving Tipografia_AROS.lha : Generator of printable signs using TrueType symbols fonts Tipografia_MorphOS.lha : Generate printable signs using TT fonts Tipografia_OS4.lha : Generate printable signs using TT fonts DisLib.lha : A library based MC68K disassembler filesysbox_68k.lha : A FUSE compatible file system layer ASMPro1.19.lha : ASM-Pro v1.19 (update) AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator AmiArcadia-OS4.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator AmiArcadia.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator ScummVM_AGA_060.lha : Amiga port of ScummVM ScummVM_RTG.lha : Amiga port of ScummVM AmiVms.lha : Simulates OpenVMS commands libpng1639_a68k.lha : Lib for reading/writing PNG LN4Brisbane.lha : LN4Brisbane 4ch MED by HKvalhe StartWin.lha : Two bugged workbench launchbars for 3.0+ invasionespaziale.lha : Space Invasion Game LN4Lv10.lha : LN4 Lv10 4ch MED track by HKvalhe StartBar-ITA.lha : Italian version of StartBar StefACS.lha : Adventures creator, working in progress AmiModRadio.lha : Play modules from Internet sources LHArchiver.lha : create lha archives intuitively SteBaseConv.lha : Numeric base converter for any language IdentifyDev.lha : Identify hardware and more IdentifyUsr.lha : Identify hardware and more ZitaFTPServer.lha : A fast and secure FTP(S) server. REDPILLGameCreator.lha : Game Creator with AGA support parForth.lha : pForth compiled with AROS function calls : Apollo Explorer WhatIFF1.08.lha : What IFF? #1.08-December-2022 AmigaAMP3-68k.lha : MPEG audio player with GUI AmigaAMP3.lha : Multi format audio player with GUI avalanche.lha : ReAction unarchive GUI for xfd/xadmaster AmiKick.lha : Check Kickstart images under Windows |
#Amiga Storage - ![]() LHArchiver_1.6.lha : Create lha archives intuitively REDPILLGameCreator_0.9.15.lha : An Amiga Game Creator AmigaAMP_3.33.lha : A MPEG audio player with GUI. IBrowse_2.5.8_demo.lha : IBrowse is a fast, stable, classic web browser helping you surf the net with your AMIGA. AmiSSL_5.6-68k.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library PortablE_r6b.lha : PortablE is a recreation of the AmigaE programming language, along with many improvements, and the aim of being portable across many platforms. iGame_2.2.0_FR.lha : French catalog for iGame, a frontend for WHDLoad games and demos by Emmanuel Vasilakis iGame_2.2.0.lha : A frontend to launching WHDLoad games Less_608.lha : A paginator similar to more or pg (beta). Image2PDF_1.2.lha Lupe_2.1_FR.lha : French catalog for Lupe, a magnifying glass program by Matthias Böcker from #Amigazeux. HippoPlayer-update_2.55.lha : Updated HippoPlayer, a module player for classic Amigas AnimWebConverter_5.0.lha : A little and easy web tool by Templarioto converter your old Amiga animations anim or yafa formats to the web current anim formats gif or apng, also you can use the tool to resize the animations or change the play speed or convert between formats gif or apng, the tool not convert to Amiga formats. AmiBlitz_3.9.8.lha : Amiblitz is the further develop of BlitzBasic 2 from Amiga. IconLib_46.4.567.lha : Free icon.library in optimized ASM code. |
#MorphOS Storage - ![]() AmiBrixx_2.2.lha : A puzzle-game for the amiga computer Wayfarer_4.6.lha : Wayfarer is the latest web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit. Tipografia_1.2.lha : Generate printable signs using TT fonts Farewell e-card.lha : Farewell e-Card from Morgue Soft Ltd. ENCORE_SCENIC_Kheshkhash_2.0.0.lha : A demo for MorphOS named KHESHKHASH realized by ENCORE & SCENIC : A module player by Jörg. ComicOn_1.4.lha : ComicOn downloads the strip of your choice and displays it to you. Woof!_10.5.0.lha : Woof! is a continuation of Lee Killough's Doom source port MBF targeted at modern systems - port by BeWorld OttoMatic_4.0.0.lha : OttoMatic_4.0.0 for modern systems. Port by BeWorld Nanosaur2_2.1.0.lha : Pangea Softwareâs Nanosaur II for modern systems. Port by BeWorld CroMagRally_3.0.0.lha : The wildest racing game since man invented the wheel!. Port by BeWorld BillyFrontier_1.1.0.lha : Billy Frontier is an arcade style action game with a "cowboys in space" theme. Port by BeWorld TinyGL-Update-2022-12-27.lha : This is the seventh public MorphOS TinyGL update resulting from the TinyGL bounty at fheroes2_1.0.0.lha : fheroes2 is a recreation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine. Port by BeWorld LHArchiver_1.7.lha : Create lha archives intuitively Scout_3.6.lha : This is the official continuation of the famous (and fabulous :-) system monitor from Andreas Gelhausen SuperTux_0.1.3.lha MahjonggTiles_1.2.lha : MUI based Shanghai type solitaire game AmiArcadia_29.34.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator. HWP_ZIP_1.2.lha : Read and write ZIP archives. |
#OS4Depot - ![]() hdaudio_ahi.lha : HD audio driver - Generic HD audio driver for AmigaOS4 snoopdos_ita.lha : SnoopDos italian - Italian catalog file for SnoopDos tipografia.lha : Tipografia - Generator of printable signs using TrueType symbol smb2fs.lha : Smb2FS - Filesystem for accessing files using SMB2/3 mcamiga.lha : MyCommander - Midnight/Norton commander style file manager farewell_e-card.lha : Farewell e-Card - This is a demo with a farewell e-Card myblocktetris.lha : myBlockTetris - A small tetris-like game amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator rave.lha : Rave - An editor for mono/stereo audio files modexplorerng.lha : ModExplorer NG - Streaming mod file from Internet modexplorerce.lha : ModExplorer CE - Streaming mod file from Internet with more feature amibrixx.lha : AmiBrixx - Puzzle game for the Amiga computer comicon.lha : ComicOn - Simply downloads the comic-strip lharchiver.lha : LhArchiver - Create LhA archives intuitively paybackupdate.lha : Payback native - Native version of Payback for AmigaOS4 zitaftpserver.lha : ZitaFTP Server - A fast and secure FTP(S) server. fuppes.lha : FUPPES - Free UPnP Entertainment Service gym2vgmv.lha : gym2vgm - Converts GYM, SSL, and CYM files to VGM breakhack.lha : Breakhack - Breakhack is a small roguelike game thumbnailmaker.lha : Thumbnail Maker - Arexx script for ArtEffect, generates thumbnails |
#The AROS Archives - ![]() farewell_e-card.lha : Farewell e-Card - This is a demo with a farewell e-Card tipografia.i386-aros.lha : Tipografia - Generator of printable signs using TrueType symbol comicon_aros.lha : ComicOn - simply downloads the comic-strip of your choice parforth.i386-aros.lha : parForth.i386.lha - pForth v27 compiled with AROS function calls zip.i386-aros.lha : HWP_ZIP - Plugin allows Hollywood scripts to read and write worldcup.lha : WoldCup - Soccer World Cup statistics 1930-2022 whatiff1.08.lha : WhatIFF1.08 - Magazine on AmigaGuide Format : Multiview - Utilities Viewer lazsokoban.i386-aros.lha : LazSokoban - Puzzle Game : Carlo - Aros One x86 portable.lha : PortablE - E Compiler rnotunes.i386-aros.lha : RNOTunes - Multi-format audio player rnoinfoscreen.i386-aros.lha : RNOInfoScreen - Music player front-end and info screen image2pdf.lha : Image2PDF - convert JP(E)Gs and PNGs to PDF : OpenSupaplex - Clone of DOS maze game. Collect infotrons. animwebconverter.lha : AnimWebConverter - Easy web tool to convert your old Amiga anim : SuperTux2 - SDL Jump-n-run game inspired by Super Mario. sacrificiopagano.lha : Sacrificio Pagano - Magic Tool : GLFW - libGLFW : libGlew - Glew - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library |
#WHDLoad - ![]() Sink or Swim : patch rewritten, real files used, Bplcon0 color bit fixes, interrupts fixed Bards Tale : sound problems on fast machines fixed Ski or Die : patch rewritten, files instead of disk image used, disk access disabled, 68000 quitkey support, keyboard routine fixed, fire button 2 support for Snowball Blast event added Portal : now uses real files, fixed blitter issues, skip introduction Desert Strike : fast memory support added, improved controls, better blitter fixes Steel : out of bounds blits fixed, access faults fixed (patch works on 68000 now) Stardust : data directory path in slave corrected Stardust : correct V1.6 slave included now Stardust : possible crash after tunnel sequence fixed, minor graphics problems introduced in V1.5 fixed Escape from Colditz : chip memory requirements reduced, access fault fixed Necronom : weapons can be selected with fire button 2, 68000 quitkey support Space Ace : supports another version Hoi : done by StingRay Kid Gloves : fix player weapon, keyboard handling fixed, quitkey improved, audio player fixed, trainer added, extra button support added Dragons of Flame : done by StingRay IK+ : bouncing ball samples fixed |
#Pouë - ![]() crap box -18 : demopack crap box -17 : demopack Jedi temple : musicdisk Party Pack No. 07 : demopack 30 Years : intro Cybersomnium : intro Dredd intro : intro Our Hut : intro Half a KB of Crap : 512b Batman Rises : demo Monochrome : 128k 68k Inside Announcement : invitation G. Rowdy : 32k XorMaybe : dentro Brown Elephant Never Again : demo Kadesh : demo crap box 16 : demopack crap box -16 : demopack Context : musicdisk Substructure : demo Mad Vibe : demo Screen Saver : demo Riversnake : 4k Copper Trouble : 4k |
[préc] HISTORIQUE [suiv] |
(c)2021-2022, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.