Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu
(généré automatiquement le 17-12-2022 à 23:33:37)
Accueil - Amiga Impact - Twitter @amigaimpact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

#Amiga Impact -

[Démo OCS] Batman défie le Lotus
Magazine : BOING n°5 disponible
L’OST de la démo Odyssey en vynile !
IBrowse se met encore à jour et se hotfix !
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (septembre/octobre 2022)
La MicroAlchimie VI est dans moins d’un mois
Entrevue avec Jérôme « Glames » Senay
Un podcast en hommage à Benoît « Maf » Charcosset !
Delitracker Emulator revit après la mort
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (juillet/août 2022)

#Twitter @amigaimpact -

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Web browser: IBrowse 2.5.8 for Amiga OS 3/4 and MorphOS

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Advent Calendar: Door 17 - Thomas Claus

Tweet : RT @Mr_Lurch: Time to wrap up the AWESOME #Amiga 1000 with what is possibly the best upgrade you can give one (short replacing half the computer) Amiga 1000 Pt2: The Parceiro II

Tweet : RT @IBrowseAmiga: Happy Christmas to all our loyal users and thank you for the continued support. We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of IBrowse 2.5.8 (8th free update for existing IBrowse 2.5 owners). See for details and to download.

Tweet : RT @TarzinCDK: #[1D1D] No Name (1993) par Suspect

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Text adventure: The Daring Rescue of Pacuvia the Sheep

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Puzzle game: AmiBlock

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Blog: Review of RadeonHD V5 driver with a X1000

Tweet : RT @AmigaL0ve: On this date exactly one year ago, my friend Chris Brenner shared with us a little Amiga OS 1.3 Christmas cheer he created. He called it "Holly Lights". I miss you, Chris! This is what it looks like and does to your Workbench.

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: WArMUp MorphOS: TinyGL r6 (2022-12-16) by bigfoot: Following the bounty of 8000€ requested by bigfoot for the…

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Kickstarter camaign: Checkmate 19" IPS Retro Monitor successfully financed

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Boing Attitude: Interview with John Girvin (NIVRIG GAMES)

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Advent Calendar: Door 16 - Günter Bartsch

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Emulator: QEMU 7.2.0 released

Tweet : RT @TarzinCDK: #[1D1D] Explora (1994) par Cydonia

Tweet : RT @amigassl: AmiSSL 5.6 now available to download from or via AmiUpdate and Aminet. This update contains a fix for server applications and some other minor changes. Applications already compiled to use AmiSSL v5 will automatically start using AmiSSL 5.6 once installed.

Tweet : RT @TarzinCDK: [68k] MASPlayer AmigaAMP en fonctionnement avec le MASPlayer. Permet de faire lire les fichiers MP3 à votre Amiga 68k sans trop faire broncher votre CPU (ici 68030). Top!

Tweet : RT @BoingAttitude: Read the English interview of John Girvin, author of the game "Turbo Tomato!" released on Amiga computers. Interview published in July 2022 in issue #4 of our BOING magazine.

Tweet : RT @Indie_RetroNEWS: Pinball Dreams 2 - Tukinem is working on a Blitz 2 port of Pinball Dreams 2 for the Amiga - #retrogaming #gaming #gamedev #gamersunite #amiga #amigaretweets #pinball #pinballdreams @AmigaL0ve

Tweet : RT @Indie_RetroNEWS: RogueCraft - An upcoming Amiga roguelike from Badger Punch Games looks better than ever in this new screenshot! #retrogaming #gaming #games #amiga #amigaretweets #gamersunite #rpg #roguelike #lovecraft

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Video: 'DarkG' from Batman Group guest at AmigaBill

Tweet : RT @AmigaSwiss: Just in case there is any confusion

Tweet : RT @chainq: OK, Christmas came early. New 1.300 Firmware for the Warp560/1260 Turbos is available, and the change log is any Warp owner's wet dream. WiFi and onboard ATA driver! I never clicked on a Download button so fast in my life. #amiga

Tweet : RT @TarzinCDK: #[1D1D] Landscape (1991) par Byterapers

Tweet : RT @bag_of_hats: This is our upcoming game Roguecraft. Henning and I wanted to show you how it is coming along! 👀🕹️😊 Roguecraft is a modern #roguelike coming for the #Amiga early next year. Based on our popular #C64 game Rogue64, with updated gfx and more features. #gamedev #retrogaming

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga Alive: Games galore #33: Maria Renard's Revenge, Karate Champ 500, Spheroid,… #farmiga #gaming #germz

Tweet : RT @Indie_RetroNEWS: AmiBlock - A game modeled on Wood Block Puzzle available for the Amiga - #retrogaming #gaming #games #gamedev #gamersunite #amiga #amigaretweets

Tweet : RT @Indie_RetroNEWS: Cecconoid - Cybernoid inspired indie game released in 2019 is coming to the Amiga! - #retrogaming #gaming #amiga #gamersunite #gamedev #amigaretweets #cybernoid @djh0ffman

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Advent Calendar: Door 14 - Erik Hogan

Tweet : RT @Simulant_Retro: We still have limited stock available of the new Amiga "classic" mech USB keyboard. A perfect companion for your emulation setup, MiSTer/FPGA, or even just for the office PC! Windows, Mac & Linux compatible. #RetroComputing #vintage #computing #retro #PC

#Obligement -

· Mise en ligne d'un tutoriel montrant comment débuter avec Lua, un langage de script puissant, rapide, léger et encapsulable, qui est bien intégré à MorphOS.

· Arrivée d'articles issus d'AmigaDP n°3 (octobre 1992).

· Publication de la troisième et dernière partie du dossier de Damiano Gerli sur l'histoire de société italienne Trecision, éditeur de jeux vidéo, notamment sur Amiga.

· Testez vos connaissances avec notre quizz sur le Workbench.

· Nouvelle mise à jour du début de l'histoire de l'Amiga pour les années 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984 et 1985.
Ajout d'une bonne quinzaine de faits et d'anecdotes comme :
  • Davantage d'informations sur la biographie de Jay Miner, notamment ses passages chez General Microelectronics, Standard MicroSystems et Synertek.
  • Information sur le laboratoire d'Atari, Cyan Engineering, où travaillait Jay Miner.
  • Document officiel de la constitution de la société Hi-Toro.
  • Document officiel du changement de nom de Hi-Toro en Amiga Corporation.
  • Ajout de l'anecdote de Jay Miner avec sa chienne Mitchie.
  • Information sur "Bimmer", qui a failli être le nom de "Blitter".
  • La première puce Amiga aurait du se nommer "Jane".
  • La construction d'une zone spéciale pour le développement des énormes puces Amiga, avec l'utilisation d'un sol et de murs antistatiques.
  • Le départ de Joe Decuir après son travail sur la puce Agnus.
  • Documents officiels sur la création des filiales d'Amiga Corporation : Amiga International et Amiga Computer Development, Inc.
  • Dave Needle qui sabote les schémas des puces spécialisées qu'il devait donner à Atari.
  • Un résumé de ce que pensait le journal The New York Times au sujet de l'Amiga.
  • La création de CBM Transitory Company qui devint la société Commodore-Amiga Inc.
  • un résumé de ce que pensait Byte (le plus grand magazine informatique au monde) au sujet de l'Amiga.
  • etc.

· Arrivée d'articles issus d'AmigaDP n°2 (septembre 1992).

#WArMUp MorphOS -

TinyGL r6 (2022-12-16) by bigfoot
Magazine BOING n°5 disponible
CloudDav 1.9 by Carsten Siegner
XML 2.0 for Hollywood
Wayfarer 4.5 by Jacadcaps
BootClock 1.30r1 by Templario
Iris 1.5 by Jacadcaps
PastePass 2.0 by Kronos
Pack Chrysalis 3.17r3 Micro Alchimie Edition
SDL 2.26.0 ported by BeWorld - 22/11/2022

#Amiga-NG -

Magazine BOING n°5 disponible
NovaBridge est disponible
SDK d'AmigaOS 4.1 mis à jour
The Battle for the Solar System: The Pandoran War
M.A.C.E. Tower Defense : jeu passé sous les radars
Pilote Radeon HD v5
Nouveautés 3D par Kas1e
Enhancer Software 2.2
Sam460LE : plus que 2 mois à attendre !
Rave 1.2

#Amiga Classic -

Magazine BOING n°5 disponible
PortablE r6 by ChrisH
HippoPlayer 2.55 by Kari-Pekka Koljonen
AnimWebConverter 5.0 by Templario
LHArchiver 1.5 by Bernd Assenmacher
AmiTube 1.3 by Markus Sackrow
REDPILL 0.9.13 the Amiga game creator
Pintor Web 3.20 by Templario
RNOEffect 1.4 by jPV^RNO

#Amiga France -

Trojan (Skyzoo73) [Scorpion] en développement
Murder FR (1990 Us Gold) VF retrouvée
Mag BOING n°5 disponible
Wrong Way Back (2022 Locked Door Puzzle)
Boxx 1 remake (2022 Lemming880) [Scorpion] v0.3 (30/11/2022)
Projects in the Attic (Electric Black Sheep) Test demo
Luma (2022 Zoopersoft)
Microtopia (Ripper) démo jouable
Shuriken AGA (2022 Sikosis)
Weegie Nights (Deadalus) démo jouable
Blower (2022 YouenChene)
Daredevil Dennis Remix (2022 Havie)
Neon Noir AGA (2022 steamknight)
Megafrog (Friar) démo jouable
Zebra 3 (2022 doum) -

Web browser: IBrowse 2.5.8 for Amiga OS 3/4 and MorphOS
Advent Calendar: Door 17 - Thomas Claus
Puzzle game: AmiBlock
Italian Print/PDF magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 11
Text adventure: The Daring Rescue of Pacuvia the Sheep
Blog: Review of RadeonHD V5 driver with a X1000
MorphOS: Sixth beta version of TinyGL
Kickstarter camaign: Checkmate 19" IPS Retro Monitor successfully financed
Boing Attitude: Interview with John Girvin (NIVRIG GAMES)
Advent Calendar: Door 16 - Günter Bartsch
Emulator: QEMU 7.2.0 released
Encryption protocol: AmiSSL 5.6 (AmigaOS 3/4)
Video: 'DarkG' from Batman Group guest at AmigaBill
Warp 560/Warp 1260: Firmware Pack 1.300
Advent Calendar: Door 15 - Dennis Pauler
Advent Calendar: Door 14 - Erik Hogan
Linux: Kernel 6.1 for AmigaOne X1000/X5000
Preview video: Super Metal Hero
AmigaGuide magazine: Issue 8 of "WhatIFF?" published
Blog: Review of English Amiga print magazines
Minimig: Revision 1.91
Debugging tool: PatchWork 1.1
Kickstarter campaign: Update on the Checkmate 19" IPS Retro Monitor
Mastodon-Client: Update on Amidon development status
Advent Calendar: Door 13 - Richard Körber
Cloanto: Amiga Forever and C64 Forever 10
Advent Calendar: Door 12 - 'Prince'
Demo tip: "Batman Rises"
Analogue Pocket: Amiga core V0.0.6 Alpha
Aminet uploads until 10.12.2022
OS4Depot uploads until 10.12.2022
AROS Archives uploads until 10.12.2022
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 10.12.2022
WHDLoad: New installers until 10.12.2022
Video: Beth Richard baut ein Amiga CD 1200 auseinander (englisch)
Print magazine: Boing #5 (French)
Java program: ham_convert 1.8.7
Advent Calendar: Door 11 - Alain Fontanin
Motorola68k emulation: Emu68 graphics driver development

#Amiga Future -

Pre-order the new Amiga Future issue now
Interview with John Girvin (Turbo Tomato!)
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
WHDLoad: New packets online
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New HOL Uploads
New publications at
New uploads in Aminet
New uploads in The Aros Archive
GAP: Episode 10 is online
Amiga Forever 10 and C64 Forever 10 released
Games That Werent: Pugsley?s Scavenger Hunt
Games That Werent: Ninja Quest
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 160 - 25 Years - preview is now available to view online
Amiga Future 160 Member-CD-Cover online
Apollo OS R9.2 now available
CS-Lab: Warp Firmware pack 1.300 release
Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future
Amiga Videos on Youtube
Amiga Future Archive DVD # 5 released one year ago
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
WHDLoad: New packets online
New HOL Uploads

#English Amiga Board -

New - Amiga Romulator for A500 - A600
AROS One x86 v1.9 Released
Wrong Way Driver - New Amiga OCS Game by aBYSs
AmigaOS 3.2 released!
AROS One x86 v1.6 Realized !!!
AfA One Released
Picasso 96 driver for ECS/AGA
Latest version of ScummVM ported to AGA
Passione Amiga #11 (January 2023) is published!
Tinyus Open Beta Released (OCS Gradius port)
Blood Amiga Port released
BlackDawn Technomage - Available for Download
Fleafpga ohm minimig
IBrowse 2.5.6 + AmiSSL v5 Released
APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News
What IFF? - Latest Issue
HippoPlayer v2.48
Eagleplayer 2.05 Released
AmiQuake new 68k Quake Port for AGA/RTG
ReA4091: SCSI2 on Zorro III for everyone!

#Polski Portal Amigowy -

AmiOpłatek - AmiWigilia Wydanie Specjalne #40 Live
IBrowse 2.5.8
AmiSSL 5.6
Amiga Forever 10
Amiga NG Cover DVD #1
Wywiad ze Stephane Picq
Avalanche 1.8
Kernel 6.1 dla AmigaOne X1000/X5000
Minimig 1.91
Warp Pack firmware 1.300
Turbo Santa Deluxe Edition 2022
Iris 1.5
Wayfarer 4.4
Amigowisko Reset
AmiFTP 1.953 -

Interview of John Girvin (Turbo Tomato!)
Passione Amiga #11 (January 2023) is published!
Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023 - April 15-16
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 160 - 25 Years - preview is now available to vie
MagicUAE 23 - 17 optimized configurations for WinUAE
BOING #5 mag released
XML plugin 2.0 and APK Compiler 4.3 released
My new Kickstarter to design the ultimate retro Monitor
AROS One x86 v1.9 Released
REV'n'GE! #140 -

Interview of John Girvin (Turbo Tomato!)
The Amiga Future magazine Issue 160 - 25 Years - preview is now available to view online
BOING #5 mag released
XML plugin 2.0 and APK Compiler 4.3 released
The Advent Calendar 2022
RNOTunes released
ApolloBoot OMNI R9.0 - Sneak Preview Video in One Shot Realtime
Spotless v.2.2.0 released
Portabl E r6 release finished
Hollywood 20th anniversary: XLSX plugin released

#Aminet -

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
AmiArcadia.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
AmiKick.lha : Check Kickstart images under Windows
Anno.lha : Reminder and calendar utility
nblood.lha : Blood Amiga Port
mednafen.lha : Mednafen
AmiSSL-5.6-OS3.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
AmiSSL-5.6-OS4.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
AmiSSL-5.6-SDK.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library SDK
DisLib.lha : A library based MC68K disassembler
PatchWork.lha : Validate library calls with AutoDocs
Sensei.lha : Displays I2C Sensor information on WB
WhatIFF1.08.lha : What IFF? #1.08-December-2022
AvalancheDE.lha : German catalog for Avalanche 1.8
AmiGemini.lha : Gemini + Spartan + Gopher browser
CloudDav_1.9.lha : A WebDav client
rasm.lha : Roudoudou's Z80 Assembler
libsamplerate.lha : Library for sample rate conversion
c2plib.lha : chunky2planar as an Amiga shared library : HAM graphic converter
Avalanche_FR.lha : French catalog for Avalanche 1.8
newmeter.lha : Shows free RAM and storage as bar graphs
dMagnetic.lha : Interpreter for Magnetic Scroll games
avalanche.lha : ReAction unarchive GUI for xfd/xadmaster
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator
ign-AddOn-XLSX.lha : ignition addon for access xlsx-files
plm80.lha : C port of Intel's ISIS-II PLM80
HWP_XML.lha : Hollywood plugin for parsing XML files
dvdauthor.lha : Set of tools for authoring a DVD
aiostreams.lha : Stream video from major online platforms
png16_lib.lha : Shared library based on libpng16
HexSee.lha : Hex File Viewer
HexSee_OS4.lha : Hex File Viewer (OS4 version)
Fussball-WM-2022.lha : TurboCalc Spreadsheet WM-2022 (german)
ASE2019_2.0.lha : Text editor : Versatile Amiga Test Program
ScreenTime.lha : Screen clock, configurable with locale

#Amiga Storage -

AmiSSL_5.6-68k.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
PortablE_r6b.lha : PortablE is a recreation of the AmigaE programming language, along with many improvements, and the aim of being portable across many platforms.
iGame_2.2.0_FR.lha : French catalog for iGame, a frontend for WHDLoad games and demos by Emmanuel Vasilakis
iGame_2.2.0.lha : A frontend to launching WHDLoad games
Less_608.lha : A paginator similar to more or pg (beta).
Lupe_2.1_FR.lha : French catalog for Lupe, a magnifying glass program by Matthias Böcker from #Amigazeux.
HippoPlayer-update_2.55.lha : Updated HippoPlayer, a module player for classic Amigas
IBrowse_2.5.7_demo.lha : IBrowse is a fast, stable, classic web browser helping you surf the net with your AMIGA.
AnimWebConverter_5.0.lha : A little and easy web tool by Templarioto converter your old Amiga animations anim or yafa formats to the web current anim formats gif or apng, also you can use the tool to resize the animations or change the play speed or convert between formats gif or apng, the tool not convert to Amiga formats.
AmiBlitz_3.9.8.lha : Amiblitz is the further develop of BlitzBasic 2 from Amiga.
IconLib_46.4.567.lha : Free icon.library in optimized ASM code.
NewMeter_1.332.lha : Shows free RAM and storage as bar graphs
VirtualVoodooJob_2.0.lha : This black magic tool is made to do evil to your enemies
Lupe_2.1.lha : The magnifying glass program

#MorphOS Storage -

SoulFu_1.5.2.lha : SoulFu port for MorphOS
BeastieWorker_0.4.lha : 3D Sokoban
TinyGL-Update-2022-12-16.lha : This is the sixth public MorphOS TinyGL update resulting from the TinyGL bounty at
AmiSSL_5.6-68k.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
RASM_1.8.lha : Roudoudou's Z80 Assembler
CloudDav_1.9.lha : A WebDav client
dMagnetic_0.34.lha : Interpreter for Magnetic Scroll games
AmiArcadia_29.33.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
LazSokoban.lha : A Sokoban clone with skins
plm80_0.2.9x.lha : C port of Intel's ISIS-II PLM80
AIOStreams_1.7.6.lha : Stream online video from major platforms
HWP_XML_2.0.lha : The XML plugin allows Hollywood scripts to parse XML files easily and efficiently enabling you to make use of this extremely flexible universal markup language that can be used for so many different purposes
Wayfarer_4.5.lha : Wayfarer is the latest web browser for MorphOS, based on a recent branch of WebKit.
Iris_1.5.lha : New email client supports IMAP, SSL, email autoconfiguration, OAuth2 (GMail, Outlook, Yahoo! Mail) and more.
BootClock_1.30r1.lha : A little and easy program to computers without battery clock to save and restore the date and time from your computer.
PastePass_2.0.lha : A simple passwordmanager by Stefan Kleinheinrich.
PortablE_r6b.lha : PortablE is a recreation of the AmigaE programming language, along with many improvements, and the aim of being portable across many platforms.
sdop_0.90.lha : DocBook XML to PostScript processor
SDL_2.26.0_Libraries.lha : All Libraries SDL2 : SDL, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_net and SDL2_gfx with SDK and extras files for MorphOS 3.17.

#OS4Depot -

amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator
amissl.lha : AmiSSL - OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
amissl-sdk.lha : AmiSSL SDK - SDK for AmiSSL
nes_8to1v2.lha : nes_8to1V2.lha - Nes_8to1 - Converts 8-bit samples to NES's 1-bit
mednafen.lha : Mednafen - Mednafen Emulator
igame_fr.lha : igame_fr - French catalog for iGame v2.2.0
sshterm.lha : SSHTerm - SSH client with builtin terminal emulation
avalanche.lha : Avalanche - Simple ReAction GUI for xadmaster
avalanche_ita.lha : Avalanche ITA - Italian translation for Avalanche
muiplot.lha : MUIPlot - Simple function plotter
fpcmines.lha : FPCMines - A classical mine sweeper clone
ign-addon-xlsx.lha : Ign-addon-xlsx - Ignition addon for access xlsx-files
lazsokoban.lha : LazSokoban - Clone of the classic Japanese puzzle
pixman_lib.lha : Libpixman-1 - Pixman-1 as an AmigaOS shared library
dvdauthor.lha : DVDAuthor - Set of tools for authoring a DVD
hwp_xmlparser.lha : Hwp_XMLParser - Hollywood plugin for parsing XML files
aiostreams.lha : aiostreams - Stream video from major online platforms
png16_lib.lha : LibPNG16 - Shared library based on LibPNG16
libpsem.lha : libpsem - POSIX semaphore implementation
glsnoop.lha : glSnoop - Trace and profile OGLES2 and W3D Nova applications

#The AROS Archives -

whatiff1.08.lha : WhatIFF1.08 - Magazine on AmigaGuide Format : Multiview - Utilities Viewer
lazsokoban.i386-aros.lha : LazSokoban - Puzzle Game : Carlo - Aros One x86
portable.lha : PortablE - E Compiler
rnotunes.i386-aros.lha : RNOTunes - Multi-format audio player
rnoinfoscreen.i386-aros.lha : RNOInfoScreen - Music player front-end and info screen
image2pdf.lha : Image2PDF - convert JP(E)Gs and PNGs to PDF : OpenSupaplex - Clone of DOS maze game. Collect infotrons.
animwebconverter.lha : AnimWebConverter - Easy web tool to convert your old Amiga anim : SuperTux2 - SDL Jump-n-run game inspired by Super Mario.
sacrificiopagano.lha : Sacrificio Pagano - Magic Tool : GLFW - libGLFW : libGlew - Glew - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
hollywoodsp.lha : HollywoodSPCatalog - Catalog in Spanish for Hollywood 9
cls.i386-aros.lha : CLS - CLear Screen command. just like IBM
kens_icons_v2.lha : KensIconsv2.3 - Glow Icons Style By Ken Lester : SnakeMe - Snake game with many options.
hwp_avcodec.lha : AVCodec_Amiga - Library Plugin For Hollywood Applications
whatiff1.07.lha : WhatIFF1.07 - Magazine in AmigaGuide

#WHDLoad -

Back To The Future 2 : patch rewritten, keyboard routine rewritten, game does not freeze anymore, trainer options added, highscore load/save added, DMA wait in replayer fixed, source code included
Escape from Colditz : random crashes fixed, debugkey handling removed from keyboard interrupt
Wrong Way Driver : done by JOTD
Fighter Bomber : uses fast memory, new install script, added manual, hints, cheats
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters : fire button 2 can be used for bombs, manual included
Edd the Duck 2 : support for SPS 1726 added, 68000 quitkey support
Solid Gold : ButtonWait support for level info screens added
Akira : supports another OCS version
Venus the Flytrap : crash on 68000 machines fixed (happened if CUSTOM2 was not used), support for fire button 2 added
Assassin : graphics problem in title screen fixed (caused by wrong Bplcon0 color bit fix)
The Power : new approach for random generator fixes, no more access faults
Edd the Duck : patch rewritten, replayer bugs fixed, keyboard bugs fixed, trainer options added, highscore load/save added, source code included
Hellrun Machine : keyboard interrupt rewritten to work on 68000 machines, 68000 quitkey support
The Power : patch rewritten, trainer options added, 68000 quitkey support, CPU dependent delays fixed, source code included, OS stuff patched
Dragon Strike : added joypad controls
Cobra : done by Psygore

#Pouë -

Cybersomnium : intro
Dredd intro : intro
Our Hut : intro
Half a KB of Crap : 512b
Batman Rises : demo
Monochrome : 128k
68k Inside Announcement : invitation
G. Rowdy : 32k
XorMaybe : dentro
Brown Elephant Never Again : demo
Kadesh : demo
crap box 16 : demopack
crap box -16 : demopack
Context : musicdisk
Substructure : demo
Mad Vibe : demo
Screen Saver : demo
Riversnake : 4k
Copper Trouble : 4k
Morphever : demo
intro36k compo filler : 40k
crap box 15 : demopack
crap box -15 : demopack
In Memory Of Maf : demo

Accueil - Amiga Impact - Twitter @amigaimpact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - Polski Portal Amigowy - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

(c)2021-2022, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.