Toute l'actualité Amiga en continu
(généré automatiquement le 05-03-2022 à 21:07:30)
Accueil - Amiga Impact - Twitter @amigaimpact - Obligement - WArMUp MorphOS - Amiga-NG - Amiga Classic - Amiga France - - Amiga Future - English Amiga Board - - - Aminet - Amiga Storage - MorphOS Storage - OS4Depot - The AROS Archives - WHDLoad - Pouë

[préc]  HISTORIQUE  [suiv]

#Amiga Impact -

Les 4A sont de retour !
Nouveaux articles sur Obligement (janvier/février 2022)
[S07/S08] De la souris tank bluetooth et des démos, toujours des démos
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 26-02-2022
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 19-02-2022
[S06] Une semaine en bref, et de #1D1D aussi (et surtout)
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 12-02-2022
[S05] Une semaine de #1D1D, mais pas que !
Le C64 de A à Z !
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 05-02-2022
Dread : New Year Compilation
Castlevania AGA : proto basé sur Akumajou Dracula
Creeping Me Out Hex Night : point d’étape de février 2022
UNITHOR annoncé, joystick Amiga db9 à retours haptique et visuel
[S04] Une semaine de #1D1D
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 29-01-2022
[S03] Une semaine de #1D1D
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 22-01-2022
[S02] Une semaine de #1D1D
BBC : Toute l’actualité Amiga au 15-01-2022

#Twitter @amigaimpact -

Tweet : Sébastien Jeudy @neosysta il y a 2 heures #Amiga #AmigaOS #MorphOS #AROS : Chronicle - Toute l'actualité Amiga au 05-03-2022 :

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: AmigaOS 4: Status update on audio editor 'Rave', part 3

Tweet : RT @AmigaOldSkooler: The Icedrake Accelerator for Amiga 1200 is now available

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: EN @AmigaFuture Amiga Future issue 155 released: Author: AndreasM The English and German issue 155 (March/April…

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: THEA500 Mini: Mini Joypad and Mini Mouse separately available

Tweet : RT @TheAmigaShow: I love this. Realtime recreation of the Mega Man 2 intro in Scorpion Engine. Scorpion Engine - Mega Man 2 intro conversion via @YouTube

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Book pre-order: The Little Book of Sound Chips - Volume 2

Tweet : RT @obligement: Mise en ligne des entrevues avec Metin Seven et Reinier van Vliet, concepteurs notamment du jeu de réflexion Hoi, et qui se sont faits floués par leur éditeur de l'époque

Tweet : RT @TarzinCDK: #[1D1D] The Larch (1998) par Mystic

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Video tutorial: Episode 26 of assembler coding course

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: PDF Book: Mark R. Jones on his time at Ocean Software Ltd.

Tweet : RT @fuhbaer: PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 131 (English/Italian) (via @binaryriot)

Tweet : RT @fuhbaer: Cologne exhibition videos: Computer 95, 96 and 97 (via @binaryriot)

Tweet : RT @amigang: Happy? 10 Years to my AmigaONE X1000, share my thought on the system, 10 years on, plus I feel old! #amigaone

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Video: 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast #119 - Upgrading an Amiga 500 to ECS

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: FPGA accelerator board: "Multiport Modul" for Icedrake

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Motorola68k emulation: First beta version of Emu68 announced

Tweet : RT @TarzinCDK: #[1D1D] Total Dominance (1998) par Spaceballs

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: DE Amiga News: Printmagazin: dritte Ausgabe der "Amiga Germany" kann vorbestellt werden

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: DE Amiga News: FPGA-Turbokarte: "Multiport Modul" für Icedrake

Tweet : RT @NeesoGames: Jackal, NES to #Amiga port, level 3 side by side comparison after some over painting. Gameplay is at ~50%, I plan to release a new demo version soon-ish.. #indiedev #gamedev #pixelart #scorpionengine

Tweet : RT @Indie_RetroNEWS: Saberman has done a video of the remake of Ambermoon! -There's also updated Amiga files as well from another version of the game . Looks amazing, nice work @Pyrdacor2 ! #retrogaming #gaming #games #amiga #amigaretweets #gamedev #rpg

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amitopia: #AmigaDownloads #AmigaNewsUpdates AmiGemini 0.8 with Save Page Text Function: The Gemini protocol is…

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: DE Amiga News: Dr. Peter Kittel: Webseite aktualisiert

Tweet : RT @JadeLombax: Little demo of a shape-drawing program I've been working on in 298 chars, inspired by an #Amiga documentary I watched recently. Sourcecode in reply (press ctrl+p before pasting). #Pico8 #Tweetcart

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: AmigaOS 4: Bugfixed Hollywood plugin hURL 1.2

Tweet : RT @fuhbaer: AROS: Shell command for AxRuntime (via @binaryriot)

Tweet : RT @aMiGaTrOnIcS: Amiga News: Apple patents 'Computer in an Input Device'

Tweet : RT @Indie_RetroNEWS: Ambermoon net - Open source remake of a fantastic CRPG gets a brand new 1.5.0 release! #retrogaming #gaming #games #gamedev #gamersunite #amiga #amigaretweets #rpg #crpg

Tweet : RT @R37R34M: PED81C, pseudo-native #chunky screens for #AGA #Amigas. No #C2P, no CPU/Blitter/Copper sweat. Just released. Example: Details and download:

#Obligement -

· Mise en ligne des entrevues avec Metin Seven et Reinier van Vliet, concepteurs notamment du jeu de réflexion Hoi, et qui se sont faits floués par leur éditeur de l'époque.

· Ajout de la rubrique actualité de janvier/février 2022 qui fait le point sur l'essentiel de l'actualité Amiga de ces deux derniers mois.

· Mise à jour de notre dossier les Amiga officiels et clones commercialisés, qui liste toutes les machines assimilées Amiga depuis l'Amiga 1000 de 1985 à nos jours.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Joystick n°40 (juillet 1993).

· Publication d'un tutoriel expliquant comment construire un compilateur croisé AmigaOS4 (Binutils 2.23.2 & GCC 8.3.0) sur Cygwin.

· Mise à jour du journal de développement du lecteur de disquette Arduino Amiga, alias DrawBridge, avec notamment une lecture encore plus rapide dans WinUAE et la gestion de l'écriture de fichiers SCP et IPF.

· Mise en ligne d'une entrevue avec Alain Fontanin, l'auteur de l'éditeur de texte Amiga Source Éditeur, qui a repris le développement de son logiciel après presque 30 ans ! Merci à Daniel Reimann d' pour avoir collaboré à cette entrevue.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Joystick n°39 (juin 1993).

· Voici un dossier, un peu ancien mais tourjours utile à savoir, sur le fonctionnement de la mémoire sur Amiga OCS/ECS.

· Poursuite des dossiers de Trevor Dickinson, cette fois-ci avec Scala, Inc., la société norvégienne qui a révolutionné le monde du multimédia.

· Testez vos connaissances avec notre quizz sur l'année 2021 sur Amiga.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Joystick n°38 (mai 1993).

· Voici un long test de la Vampire 1200 V2, une carte accélératrice pour A1200 à base de FPGA et de processeur 68080.

· Publication d'un tutoriel sur l'installation et l'utilisation de MorphOS 3.x sur QEMU 6.0, ou comment utiliser MorphOS sur un PC.

· Mise à jour de la Liste Des Jeux Amiga. Dans cette 52e édition, entre autres nouveautés et corrections, les jeux publiés ou mis à jour en 2021 ont été ajoutés, et les jeux créés avec Project Horizon et Irrlicht Engine sont maintenant comptabilisés. En outre, les licences "Mozilla" et "Professional" ont été ajoutées ; cette dernière concerne les jeux destinés à une utilisation professionnelle, par exemple médicale. Le total atteint à présent 13 539 entrées, que ce soit des jeux, des éditeurs de niveaux, des disques de données, des extensions et interpréteurs, qui sont répartis comme suit :
  • 12 910 jeux.
  • 347 extensions et disques de données.
  • 148 éditeurs de jeux ou de niveaux.
  • 134 interpréteurs.

· Arrivée d'articles issus de Joystick n°37 (avril 1993).

#WArMUp MorphOS -

SpeedPDF 1.1 par Carsten Siegner
MCE 13.6 ported by Stefan Haubenthal
AmiSSL 4.12 available
SonosController 1.2 by Michael Rupp
GenesisPlus 2.2 by realstar
PerCIMan 0.7.4 by Ulrich Becker
Nouveau portage realized by BeWorld
Hollywood : Iconic 1.0
AmiArcadia 28.32 ported by Stefan Haubenthal
MilkyTracker 1.03 ported by BeWorld

#Amiga-NG -

Nouveau batch de Sam460 1,10 Ghz en pré-commande
Odyssey r5 RC1
Mise à jour partielle du SDK d'AmigaOS 4.1
Sortie de Boing n°3
Le magazine Boing 2 est disponible
Etat d'ExecSG d'A-Eon
SystemV54 : l'OS autonome d'A-Eon
NovaBridge à venir
Enhancer Software 2.1 disponible
Pixy v1.0

#Amiga Classic -

P96 3.2.4 released
AmiSSL 4.12 available
REDPILL 0.9.6 the Amiga game creator
SonosController 1.2 by Michael Rupp
PerCIMan 0.7.4 by Ulrich Becker
AmiTube 0.8 by ALB42
Hollywood : Iconic 1.0
HippoPlayer 2.50 by Kari-Pekka Koljonen
X-bEnCh 1.2 by Jim Neray
MUIBase 4.4 by Steffen Gutmann

#Amiga France -

Mayday Squad FR (1989 Tynesoft) Fixé 2022 Scoopex
Karate Champ (JOTD) en développement
Last Action Hero (1994 Dome) Hack 2021
Imagems (1994 Brainwave) traduction UK
Pistorm’X – Ré-interprétation du projet Pistorm
Wicher 1211 – Mise à jour du Firmware
Edito – Encore une crêpe et j’arrête …
Vampire V2 – Apollo Core Gold 2.15 disponible
Castlevania AGA (Dante) [Scorpion] démo jouable 12/02
Scramble 500 (2022 JOTD)
Poker Nights Dream Girls (1994-2022 VTO/NuJack)
[Joystick] Unithor DB9/USB en développement
Vanilla Conquer RTG (Arti) préversion v0.91
Décès des frères Bogdanoff : chantres de l’Amiga 500
Edito – Belle année 2022 à tous !
Silverman Isla Esmeralda (2022 Irongate) [Backbone]
Hyper Runner AGA en développement
Retro Actu: Gateway Ypsilon (1991 Golem) Fixé 2022 Scoopex
Retro Actu: Wrath of the demon (1991 Abstrax) Fixé 2021 Scoopex
Shuffling around christmas tree (2021 Desire)
Bean Vs Animator Snow (2021 17BitRetro)
Invanoid (djpiotrs) en développement
Connect (AmiNju) en développement
Retro Actu: In Shadow of Time AGA (1999-2006 Shadow Elks) préversion
Retro Actu: No Buddies Land (1991-2006 Expose)
Retro Actu: Harold Hairy Hermit (1994-2008 Rasputin) préversion
Retro Actu: Son Shu Shi FR (1992-2005 Expose)
Retro Actu: Calephar (1994-2006 Future)
Retro Actu: Snow Bros (1991-2006 Ocean)
Retro Actu: Liquid Kids (1991-2003 Ocean) -

AmigaOS 4: Status update on audio editor 'Rave', part 3
Apollo-Team: Icedrake accelerator board for A1200 available
THEA500 Mini: Mini Joypad and Mini Mouse separately available
Book pre-order: The Little Book of Sound Chips - Volume 2
Video tutorial: Episode 26 of assembler coding course
PDF Book: Mark R. Jones on his time at Ocean Software Ltd.
PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 131 (English/Italian)
Video: 10 Minute Amiga Retro Cast #119 - Upgrading an Amiga 500 to ECS
Motorola68k emulation: First beta version of Emu68 released (update)
FPGA accelerator board: "Multiport Modul" for Icedrake
Cologne exhibition videos: Computer 95, 96 and 97
AmigaOS 4: Bugfixed Hollywood plugin hURL 1.2
AROS: Shell command for AxRuntime
Apple patents 'Computer in an Input Device'
Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle Tools 0.39 / Firmware 1.1
RTG driver: P96 V3.2.4 released
New article on Obligement website
Amiga disks on PC: DrawBridge 2.8.7 / FloppyBridge 1.1
Developer tools: vasm 1.9 and vlink 0.17
Compiler: vbcc 0.9h
AmigaOS 4: Blog summary of February
Video: Amiga game classics under AmigaOS 4
Video: How easy is it to make your own joystick using a 3D printer?
Aminet uploads until 26.02.2022
OS4Depot uploads until 26.02.2022
AROS Archives uploads until 26.02.2022
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 26.02.2022
WHDLoad: New installers until 26.02.2022
Apollo V4: Ultimate Expansion Board
Music: Amiga-DJ-Video
Arcade port: 'Scramble 500' released
Italian print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 5
French print magazine: "Boing" Nr. 3
Puzzle game: Adam is me
Tetris clone with CD32/CDTV support: Choctris
Kickstarter campaign: Bluetooth remake of Amiga mouse
Preview videos: Jump'n Run 'Maria Renard's Revenge', Beat'em Up 'Double Dragon'
Playable prototype: Castlevania clone 'Akumajou Dracula' (AGA)
Music disk: Cheesy Listening
Game previews: New teaser videos for 'Boss Machine' (AGA) and 'Target Renegade'
CDXL video player: AGABlaster 0.9.90
Aracade game: 'Green Beret' update
Preview video 26: Souverän Soccer
MorphOS: PDF-Anzeiger 'SpeedPDF'
AmigaOS 4: FTP server 'ZitaFTP' 1.31
Arcade conversions: Amidar500 and MsPacman 500, Preview video of Scramble 500
Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 155 - preview and excerpts
Commercial Jump'n Run: The Dream of Rowan 1.2
Detailed review (Czech): The Pegasos I from bPlan
Aminet uploads until 19.02.2022
OS4Depot uploads until 19.02.2022
AROS Archives uploads until 19.02.2022
MorphOS-Storage uploads until 19.02.2022
WHDLoad: New installers until 19.02.2022
AmigaRemix: Further files added
Do it yourself: Amiga 3000 daughterboard
Do it yourself: Using PC floppy disk drives on Amiga with EZ-FD
8/16-bit emulator for Mac OS and Linux: Clock Signal

#Amiga Future -

Amiga Future issue 155 released
WHDLoad: New packets online
New uploads in OS4 Depot
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New publications at
New uploads in The Aros Archive
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New HOL Uploads
New uploads in Aminet
AmigaRemix: New tracks online
New articles on Obligement
Scene World: Podcast Episode #134 - Michael "MrMobile" AKA "Captain2Phones" Fisher
vbcc 0.9h released
Amiga Future monthly News February 2022
vasm 1.9 released
vlink 0.17 released
AGABlaster 68K Update released
Pre-order the new Amiga Future issue now
Amiga Videos on Youtube
Virtual dimension: Where the past meets the future
Amiga Future 155 Member-CD-Cover online
New uploads in MorphOS Storage
New uploads in OS4 Depot
WHDLoad: New packets online
Amiga Future: cheats database Update
New HOL Uploads
New publications at
New uploads in The Aros Archive
New uploads in Aminet
AmigaRemix: New tracks online

#English Amiga Board -

APC&TCP and Amiga Future Magazine News
UniTHOR - a new joystick is coming up
Amiga Tank Mouse Revival
AROS One x86 v1.6 Realized !!!
Immortal Joysticks - The highest quality customised joystick
Amiga Bootblock Reader v5 and DataCentre alpha
vbcc V0.9h Release
Latest version of ScummVM also ported to RTG
Passione Amiga #6 (March 2022) is available for sale!
New articles on Obligement magazine
Ambermoon open source remake in progress
Eagleplayer 2.05 Released
New - Amiga Romulator for A500 - A600
Blastaway released!
Giana Sisters Special Edition - Giana Sisters overhauled on the Amiga
12 Themes for AROS 68k/x86
Tinyus Open Beta Released (OCS Gradius port)
Goal! World Cup 90
Jarre passed away 25-11-21
Mini PC with Aros on request
AmiModRadio - All of Aminet modules at your fingertips
HippoPlayer v2.48
AmiGameJam 2021 - The Amiga game-making competition
AmigaOS 3.2 released!
AGABlaster - New CDXL Player Released
Virtual Dimension: VD aktuell 01 - March 2022 published
AmiDuke - New Duke Nukem 3D port for AGA
Tsunami 1230 - New accelerator card for A1200
TinyLauncher 3+ released
Amiga Assembly Game Programming Tutorial series -

New articles on Obligement
Tank Mouse revival
Amiga Future monthly News February 2022
Virtual Dimension: VD aktuell 01 - March 2022 published
AmiModRadio v0.99994
The Amiga Future magazine - Issue 155 preview is now available to view online
New AmiKit 11.5+ upgrade released
Plananarama 2.0 released
Amiga WARP 2022 Calendar
WhatIFF?- Amiga Guide magazine-Issue 2 released ! -

Amiga Future issue 155 released
hURL 1.2 OS4 bugfix available
New articles on Obligement
Amiga Future monthly News February 2022
Virtual Dimension: VD aktuell 01 - March 2022 published
The Amiga Future magazine - Issue 155 preview is now available to view online
Plananarama 2.0 released
Amiga WARP 2022 Calendar
WhatIFF?- Amiga Guide magazine- Issue 2 released!
Amiga Future monthly News January 2022

#Aminet -

Flac134_a68k.lha : Free Lossless Audio Codec
AmigaTText-m68k-amigaos.lha : Shows GER Teletext Sites from Internet
AmigaTText-ppc-amigaos.lha : Shows GER Teletext Sites from Internet
AmigaTText-ppc-morphos.lha : Shows GER Teletext Sites from Internet
AmigaTText-ppc-warpup.lha : Shows GER Teletext Sites from Internet
OS4WeltWeihnachtsdemo.lha : little demo for Christmas (Weihnachten)
ScummVM_RTG.lha : Amiga port of ScummVM 1.7.0
EXULT_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Ultima 7 (Exult)
AmiDuke_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Duke Nukem 3D
Chocolate_DOOM.lha : Amiga port of Chocolate DOOM
D1X_Rebirth_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Descent (D1X-Rebirth)
ODAMEX_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Odamex
FreeSynd_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Syndicate (FreeSynd)
OpenDUNE_RTG.lha : Amiga port of Dune 2 (OpenDUNE)
MegaSaperPL.lha : Minesweeper game clone
DOSBox_RTG.lha : Amiga port of DOSBox
PrBoom.lha : Amiga port of PrBoom
YearEndChills2021.lha : MED.YearEndChills2021
HWP_hURL.lha : The multi-protocol data transfer plugin
MCE-MOS.lha : Multi-game Character Editor
d3GNOPOS4.lha : D3GNOP - THE Pong clone in MiniGL
LOG_upd.lha : update patch for 'Land of Genesis' : realtime strategy written in AMOS (+src)
SopoBlockOS4.lha : SopoBlock - Cute tiny MiniGL puzzler
MCE-OS4.lha : Multi-game Character Editor
MCE.lha : Multi-game Character Editor
AmiSpear_ECS.lha : Amiga port of Spear of Destiny
AmiWolf_ECS.lha : Amiga port of Wolfenstein 3D
TECO-64.lha : TECO (Text Editor and Corrector)
ViNCEd.lha : ViNCEd, the CON: with ^Z & TAB Expand
MrR_head.lha : It's My Head - OctaMED module
AmiModRadio.lha : Play modules from Internet sources : Sourcecode of Classaction 4
EndlessRoad.lha : Endless Road 5ch 16bit Soft Rock
Mattonite.lha : Arkanoid like PAL game almost finished : Versatile Amiga Test Program
PPaintRUS.lha : Cloanto Personal Paint 7 RUSSIAN KIT
SamplesCreatorDemos.lha : Some samples created by SamplesCreator
printer.hwp_1.0.lha : Printer plugin for hollywood
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha : Signetics-based machines emulator

#Amiga Storage -

IconLib_46.4.556.lha : Free icon.library in optimized ASM code.
AmiSSL_4.12.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library.
SonosController_1.2.lha : Control Sonos speakers with your Amiga
REDPILLGameCreator_0.9.6.lha : An Amiga Game Creator
PerCIMan_0.7.4.lha : A program to manage contact and other information about persons.
MMULib_47.2.lha : Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
AmigaAMP_3.31.lha : A MPEG audio player with GUI.
NewscriptsADF_1.1.lha : New scripts for adf.device
HippoPlayer_2.50_update.lha : Updated HippoPlayer, a module player for classic Amigas
MUIbase_4.4.lha : Programmable relational database w/ GUI by Steffen Gutmann.
AmigaKeyRemapper_1.1.lha : Swap left/right Amiga keys
ILBMdt_47.6.lha : IFF ILBM picture datatype 47.6
JFIFdt_44.16.lha : JFIF (JPEG) picture datatype 44.11
Roadie_1.3.9.lha : Commodity/GUI for Roadshow TCP/IP Stack

#MorphOS Storage -

AmiArcadia_28.34.lha : A Signetics-based machines emulator.
TECO-64_200.23.2.lha : TECO (Text Editor and Corrector)
ECWolf_1.3.9999.lha : ECWolf is an advanced source port for Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, and Super 3D Noah's Ark based off of the Wolf4SDL code base. Port by BeWorld
HLE-Pokercard_2.0.lha : Hi-Low-Equal Poker Card
SpeedPDF_1.1.lha : A fast PDF viewer
Protracker_icons.lha : Protracker Icons (Dual State)
AIOstreams_1.7.3.lha : Stream online video from major platforms
MCE_13.6.lha : Multi-game Character Editor by James Jacobs.
AmiSSL_4.12_68k.lha : OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library.
SonosController_1.2.lha : Control your Sonos speakers with your...
SDL_2.0.20_Libraries.lha : All Libraries SDL 2.0.20 with SDK and extras files for MorphOS.
RASM_1.6.lha : Roudoudou's Z80 Assembler
Vim_8.2.4291.lha : A highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient.
InstallerLG_1.0.lha : Commodore Installer replacement.
Sminkiator_1.1.lha : Randomize words for fun
GenesisPlus_2.2.lha : Genesis-Plus emulates the classic Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega/MegaCD,MasterSystem and GameGear game consoles.
PerCIMan_0.7.4.lha : A program to manage contact and other information about persons.
Blues_R2.lha : Blues Brothers,Jukebox Adventure & PreHistorik2 engine reimplementation (SDL2) by CYXX. MorphOS Port By BeWorld
MilkyTracker_1.03.lha : An XM/MOD tracker by the MilkyTracker team, need SDL 2.
FinalBurnNeo_1.0.0.3WIP_titles-previews.lha : Titles and Preview pack - PNg background for FBNeo minimun.

#OS4Depot -

checkas.lha : checkas - Checks for assigns.
amigattext.lha : AmigaTText - Shows German ARD/ZDF Teletext from internet
hwp_hurl.lha : HWP_hURL - The multi-protocol data transfer plugin
deepl.lha : DeepL - DeepL tool / incl. sourcecode
mce.lha : MCE - Multi-game Character Editor
sdl2.lha : SDL2 - Simple DirectMedia Layer 2
iff-converter.lha : IFF-Converter - Convert images into raw format.
sdl_vice.lha : (SDL)VICE - Versatile Commodore Emulator
zitaftpserver.lha : ZitaFTP Server - A fast and secure FTP(S) server.
vim_mui.lha : VIM - The ubiquitous text editor
amiarcadia.lha : AmiArcadia - Signetics-based machines emulator
arabic_console_devicepro2.lha : Arabic console - An arabic console device, line & full-page editors
aiostreams.lha : aiostreams - Stream video from major online platforms
hwp_plananarama.lha : Hwp_Plananarama - Hollywood plugin for planar screen
amissl.lha : AmiSSL - OpenSSL as an Amiga shared library
hle-pokercard.lha : High-Low-Equal Poker - Guess the next card to appear in the table
reactivec_lib.lha : raclib - Reactive C Library
sonoscontroller.lha : SonosController - Control Sonos speakers with your Amiga
mrwolf.lha : Mr. Wolf - Pool-friendly SNTP time sync client
sminkiator.lha : Smikiator - Randomize world for fun

#The AROS Archives - : run_dosbox_taskpri - script for run dosbox correctly
cbmconvert.i386-aros.lha : CBMConvert - C64 archive converters
d64.i386-aros.lha : D64 - Converts C64 data-set files to Amiga
vim_8.2-i386-aros.lha : Vim - The ubiquitous text editor
hle-pokercard.lha : High-Low-Equal Poker - Guess the next card to appear in the table
base64.i386-aros.lha : base64 - Encode/decode file as base64
zmakebas.i386-aros.lha : ZMakeBAS - BASIC Text to ZX Spectrum/ZX81 .TAP/.P
bde64.i386-aros.lha : bde64 - Decode/encode base64
installerlg.i386-aros.lha : InstallerLG - Commodore Installer replacement
amigangwallpaper.lha : AmigaNG 1080p - AmigaNG Wallpapers (1080p)
whatiff1.02.lha : What IFF? #1.02 - Issue 2 - January 2022
whatiff1.01.lha : What IFF? #1.01 - Issue 1 - December 2021 : BurgerSpace - Similar to BurgerTime (1982)
sminkiator-1.1.lha : Sminkiator - Randomize world for fun
perciman.i386-aros.lha : Perciman - manage contact and other information
dis8080.i386-aros.lha : dis8080 - Disassembler for Intel 8080 processor
regina-doc.pdf : Regina Doc - The Regina Rexx Interpreter doc
muibase-4.4.1.lha : Muibase - Programmable relational database with GUI : IconClone.i386-aros. - Drag-n-Drop Icons or use FileReq for Icon Exchange : Worm Wars - Advanced Tron/Snake-style arcade game

#WHDLoad -

Black Strawberry Cake : done by StingRay
Trap Runner : done by StingRay
Shadow of the Beast 3 : fixed graphic glitches and 3-button joystick support
The Patrician / Der Patrizier : reassembled with latest kickemu, icon fixed
World Cup USA '94 : done by StingRay
Manchester United: Premier League Champions : version check adapted, delay in keyboard interrupt fixed
Manchester United: Premier League Champions : another version (V1.0) of the game is now supported
Rogue Trooper : patch redone, another version supported, highscore load/save, lots of trainer options added, access faults fixed, 68000 quitkey support
Attack of the PETSCII Robots : support for game version 1.1 added
Seven Gates of Jambala : long write to Bplcon2 fixed, access faults fixed, CD32/2-button joystick support, lots of trainer options added, 68000 quitkey support, access faults fixed, support for Grandslam and Thalion intros added, source code included
Hawkeye : patch redone, new imager (game has to be reinstalled), access fault fixed, CD32 joypad support, high score load/save, more trainer options, source code included
Lemmings - More! : done by Psygore
Knightmare (Konami) : done by Psygore
Logo : supports another version, DMA wait inserted, slave is 68000 compatible now
Gloom : install script copies gloomgame file too, slave doesn't lock if it can not find gloomgame
D.O.S. : graphics problems in greetings part fixed

#Pouë -

Cheesy listening : musicdisk
RMC Retro Amiga Demo : demo
Super Delivery Boy - The Holiday Shift v1.1 : cracktro
2^5 Years : demo
Home-Coming : musicdisk
Gateway Y : cracktro
Dreams 36 : demopack
Happy New Year! : dentro
New Year's Day Trainer : 32k
crap box 10 : demopack
crap box -13 : demopack
Wrath of the Demon - Scoopex Version : cracktro
Happy New Year 2022 : demo
Xmas intro : intro
For the Love of Ben! : musicdisk
Shuffling Around the Christmas Tree : slideshow
Take Me : demo
welcome intro : intro
Andy and Blondie : demo
crap box -12 : demopack
crap box -11 : demopack
OCS Image Exporter : demotool
Dedicated to FLT : intro
Last minute : 40k

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(c)2021-2022, Sébastien 'Jedi' Jeudy.